I have been reading some of the Lore behind the Eclipse Phase PnP Game and have decided to make a three part roleplay based on the, not so known, event that has caused Earth to become uninhabited, or so they tell us. I have the specifics of the story still being worked out, but the skeleton is there. For information on the game [url=http://eclipsephase.com/game]GO HERE[/url]. You are not required to know much about the original PnP because this will be an alteration of the game without stats so we can play without halting for rolls and stuff. This is the first Chapter of our story and where we will introduce our characters and have a little time before the ball gets rolling and [s]all hell breaks loose[/s] we start into our story. As I said before this is three chapters, but if we as players are not able to succeed, then we will, in fact, fail. Failure will result in the chapter’s epilogue, and we will then move to the next chapter. I won’t try to kill everyone specifically all I am saying is that is what will happen if we all die. [center][u][b]RULES[/b][/u] GM is in control, and his word is final No one wants to watch people OOC fight… so don’t Character must be posted here, in the OOC, and accepted before you can post them in the Characters tab. You cannot kill other character without player permission. You are allowed one character per chapter of this story. If your character dies there is a way for you to be revived through sleeve transfer of your Neural Stack, which is your recorded consciousness. This has some serious repercussions on you psyche. You are not invulnerable. If the unfortunate chance arises you will die. I will warn you if such a situation is coming up unless you do something extremely stupid (e.g. stepping in front of some kind of heavy fast moving object, walking into certain death situations, etc.) In which case you will be killed without warning. Posts must be 1-2 paragraph (Three sentences), and consistent with what is going on around you. There is also a post limit and requirement. The limit to posting is twice if between only two players (you and someone else.). The requirement is you must post twice a week. I know life gets busy and that is why I only want two a week. If you fail to meet these requirements you will be reminded twice then given leave to return when you are ready. (Also for slow players that only post twice a week I would like people to respect them and wait for them before moving all over as a group until they are ready or I give the go ahead.) No GOD moding… you know what this means, so yeah. The most important is to have fun, and enjoy your time here![/center] [hider=Character Sheet] Characters are going to be open for whatever you want to be so long as you include these. Name: Picture: Race: Age: Gender: Role on TITAN Station: (Medical Doctor, Security, Robotics Scientist, Bio-Robotics Scientist, Family of TITAN Worker.) Personality: Brief/Not Brief Bio: (Optional)[/hider] [hider=Premise] TITAN Orbital Defense Station detects UICs (Unidentified Inbound Crafts) Headed for the station and Earth. Confirmation is made that the UICs are TITAN AI that had left the system to explore the outer reaches of the universe generations ago. Communications are made, and the TITAN AIs wish to make contact and show us what they call “The greatest enlightenment of our time.” The upper echelon, all puffed up with pride and high on excitement allow them to, but it must be only them and only a select few will get to see it. Very quickly thing begin to spiral downhill as the TITAN AI, now being calling themselves “The Collective”, kill most of those who attended the meeting, and start to attack the humans and change or destroy other robotic entities. Your first post will consist of a Pre and Post event as described in the Premise starting 12 hours after the event where The Collective have taken a good portion of the station, including the docking bay and escape pods, and survivors are spread out. You can discuss amongst yourselves how you wish to play it out.[/hider]