Yai gazed back at his Padawan during the long walk through the temple. He smiled and shook his head, "We've been in the area before, but not the moon itself. Too dangerous, I had told myself. But now I can see you are well on your way, Oram. Stay on your guard and the Smuggler's Moon won't eat us alive." "I think I might know who he's on about, and I second that notion," Aria said as they continued toward the hangars in the lower levels of the Jedi Temple. Really, all she cared about was how long they would spend on the moon. During the war the neon-lit streets were a silent battleground for the Republic's SIS and Imperial Intelligence, and diplomats from either side trying to secure alliances with Hutts and gangsters. The war was very quiet there, aside from the battle between intel agencies. "What Hutts don't know can't hurt them, Cronic..." Yai's said as they entered the large hangar. His ship was a typical Corellian stock freighter, (much like the Millenium Falcon) without any real modifications applied. It got him around the galaxy and could house a big-ish crew, had room to live and train in, that was all it needed. It didn't have a name, either. It wasn't that flashy, or recognisable - it was perfect. "There she is... My mighty rustbucket. Let's get on board and get moving, shall we?" Yai chuckled as he stepped up the ramp into his ship after Aria.