I continue running away from the fight, though, I notice someone run off in the opposite direction, apparently to help that army guy... er... the one that tried to shoot while running away from the dragons, earlier. I almost go back to help, but then I remember my injuries from the last fight, and decide to just keep running, in some sort of hope that I might be able to get out of this mess with my life. I turn around again when I hear someone shouting, but, recall my injuries yet again, and just turn back. [i]They'll be fine... that guy had an actual gun, and heck, he must have gotten here on a helicopter, so, they might have one of those, too... I don't need to worry, they'll be fine.[/i] I keep telling myself as I stay behind the other guy. I then finally manage to ask "Hey... I never got your name, did I?" I then wondered if he was going to shoot... but, then again, if he was, he probably would have by now, considering the fact that he had every opportunity while we were fighting those dragons, and then eventually running from the same dragons. As we continued running, fatigue started setting in, and I had to slow my pace down to a walk, unfortunately. Thankfully, it seemed as though we were just about halfway to the other side of this place, and the dragons were pretty far from us at this point. I notice a few dragon corpses, and their smell alone was enough to get me to shiver, but, the fact that I could have sworn one of them was moving, twitching its tail, at least, made that fear a little worse. A little bit of looking revealed a strange, small creature who seemed to be hiding behind a nearby old, decrepit sign. Said creature was of an aqua color, and I could swear it was trying to get closer to us. [i]What in the world is this thing?[/i] I ask myself as it inches ever closer to the mystery man and I, as if neither of us noticed it. The thing continued to inch closer, and I tried to get the mystery man's attention as it crept ever closer to the two of us. The thing jumped at me, but due to the fact that I wasn't caught off guard, I managed to strike the thing, stopping its attack, and sending it back a few inches. The thing was weakened, but not down yet, and it seemed to be going for another attack, with me at the ready again. It jumped at me for a second time, and just like the first, I smacked it with my hammer before it could get to me. That seemed to be enough to get it to collapse, thankfully, and it seemed to drop a strange, heart-shaped object as it did so. Curious, I walked over to the object, and tried picking it up. The heart-shaped object seemed to dissolve into some sort of red mist that seemed to partially mend my broken ribs. Feeling much better, I start heading to... well, wherever this corridor led, which was guaranteed to be safer than this mess. I saw another one of those dragon corpses twitch again, and decide to pick up the pace, though, I end up passing by the mystery man... which I didn't want to do. I then slowed down until he caught up again, and I kept looking back and forth just to make sure that none of those corpses would come to life... but, they can't, right? They're dead... last I checked, dead things tended to stay that way... right?