As Erion continued to run, he saw that one of the mimigas was going back, probably to help whoever cried out back there, though he knew he didn't have time to check with the guy. He had to move quickly before that dragon wanted to go back and try to make lunch out of them. Before long that other mimigas passed him, also asking about his name. He breath deeply as he keeps up the pace. "Names Erion. I to have a infiltration squad here but..." he says, shaking his head. "God dang helicopter crashed and there were no signs of them when I came to." he says before noticing the creature from the corner of his eyes. Before he had time to even shoot, that mimigas rushed and smacked the creature hard with his hammer. Erion smiled a bit. At least he could defend himself. The smell of the place though was starting to make him feel nausious. This wasent really good. He looked at the dragons a bit more, seeing some of them twitched. He stares at them for a bit. "You never told me your name either.... and we might want to move... I have a bad feeling about those things." he then says, his gun pointed at the dragon things, ready to shoot if one of them were to get up to attack.