[center][img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-uhO_6rCXA7o/VK9SDpMUIyI/AAAAAAAAI8A/mTjLxxRw_j4/w426-h611/15%2B-%2B1[/img] [color=lightblue][b]Autumn Eirwen[/b][/color] [color=violet][i]XxLyraxX[/i][/color] [color=lightblue]She is 18 years of age[/color] [color=violet]Her hair is black[/color] [color=lightblue]Her eyes are bright blue[/color] [color=violet]She stands at around 4 foot, 7 inches[/color] [color=lightblue]She is very slender and petite. Not a lot of muscle and she is not very strong physically wise.[/color] [color=violet]Autumn never knew her real parents and lived in an orphanage until she was five. She was then adopted by a very nice couple that took care of her. Unfortunately they died in a car crash and she was taken in by her foster father’s brother. He owns a bar/restaurant called The Silver Dragon where Autumn works as a waitress. She is terrified of water because she cannot swim and she dislikes heights. [/color][/center]