Ignis was carefully watching the movements of everyone around Alan, just as requested. Part of him wanted to make something happen, if only to make the situation more interesting, but that would probably annoy Helen. There were some tense words that might be considered an argument, but not long after Helen made her point, they seemed to be calming down. However, that was not the case just a short distance away, as another man was quite suddenly knocked to the ground with a few shards of glass in his face. Ignis was still invisible in form, but his gaze darted back and forth between Alan and the incapacitated man. [i]"Wait, what? I'm confused, which fight am I supposed to be stopping?"[/i] He asked Helen. Helen sighed when she heard the glass shatter, her head tilted back to spot Eli's fist come into contact with the Serpentine's head and cause him to crumble. She inwardly groaned while Sira knew what to do. After all, she hadn't discouraged her spirits free thought and action as long as it didn't worse the situation. The cat immediately flash banged Eli sending the man to stumble after being blinded and made her smirk slightly. [i]Damn fool.[/i] She might've found the thugs from the Serpentine's little band annoying, but didn't mean they deserved to be provoked. When Ignis' thoughts hit her own, his emotions filled with confusion and concern, she poured some the more soothing sensations from her current mood his way. [i]Alan's table though it seems to have tapered off. Now, are you still eager to eat?[/i] While she knew he didn't really need to eat or use the food, she noted long ago how much Ignis liked to 'taste' it. She had made a point not to touch her food until he was free so he could experience it. Helen settle Adonai's plate beside him and nudged him to dig in, followed by taking her own seat. Waiting for Ignis, her ears caught her husband's comments about a normal day at the pub. He immediately followed up with an observation on the robot which she herself also noted, a thing that had bothered her since it originally walked in. "Yes it is. Nothing like a little conflict for the morning, but I swear anything else happens then I'm going to bandage someone's mouth shut." Helen said, adding a bit more. "The machine's odd, that's for sure. I've never seen or made one that advanced. I think it's almost alive which means someone's a genius or it's a fake." Sira trotted up to her calf and started to nuzzle, his head wrapped and pushed against her leg for his reward. His mewling cries shortly followed. "For crying out loud Sira! Can't I eat first?" Ignis looked at the man on the ground with at least a small measure of curiosity. He had not been paying near enough attention to know what he did to earn the hit, especially one that involved breaking glass over his face. Ignis had been with Helen more than long enough to know that cuts like that could easily get infected, so there was a good possibility he would need a doctor. However, that was something that Ignis actually couldn't care less about, since Helen was currently offering him the chance for a meal. After floating away from Alan's table without a hint of him ever actually being present, Ignis finally materialized into a visible form near Helen's table. Taking on his normal, translucent form, he sat down next to her, not unlike a dog. Although, he was a fair amount larger, and much more...exotic. He did not know what she was eating, but it didn't really matter as long as she enjoyed it. Of course, Sira was not going to let him have all of the attention, so he made it a point to show up again. Ignis sometimes fell into the trap of trying to compete for attention with the feline spirit, but this time, he just ignored it to enter the conversation. "Oh, are you talking about the big spirit-robot thing? I've seen it around sometimes when I...wander around. I wonder if you would like that drink it made?" He commented, not all that concerned about the spirit's presence. Sira continued to meow louder as Helen scowled, her voice trying override the annoy thing. "Spirit? Are you sur... Fine, Sira! Impatient thing!" Helen huffed and paused in her conversation, her hands bent down to scoop up the shimmering cat. He naturally looked rather smugly at Ignis' direction while Helen took a deep breath. She placed her mind on a key memory and trying to calm down. Slowly the memory filled the spirit's core as she held the tom on the table. A sudden rattling sound came from Sira's throat before his image vanished slowly, yet Helen seemed to have gone paler then usual. "Ignis, are you sure it's a spirit?" Ignis nodded to Helen. Even if he had not been capable of feeling her emotions at the moment, he knew well her feelings about unbound spirits. He had been the one to save her all those years ago, but even so, he couldn't quite understand the fear. Of course, he also couldn't understand the concept of death in the same way she could. And he could recognize how dangerous some spirits could be to Humans. "Yeah, of course. Spirits can sense spirits. Summoners can too, not that I really understand how that works. Just...don't worry. I mean, we don't even know for sure it's unbound. I go wherever I want, don't I? It could too" "I'm sure it'll be nothing" Adonai joined in with calming Helen. Despite how much she cared for her own spirits, she was particularly uncomfortable around unbound spirits. He didn't really understand any of the spirit things she did or why, but it didn't matter. He grasped her hand in his to reassure her with his touch. Shortly after that, however, an even stranger event happened with which he could draw her attention. A pair of children edged their way in and then sprinted to hide behind the bar. "Now what are they doing here? I wasn't aware the Guild let members bring their children here." Things got even stranger then, and as the door opened for a second time, Adonai's sixth sense crept up on him again quite suddenly. The men that came it looked thuggish, not like any Guild member he had ever seen. There was a certain style that all guild members seemed to adhere to, whether it was int heir clothing or the way they walked and held themselves, no matter the band. It was part of the Free City pride. Even the shadiest of Bands had it to some extent. These men didn't. At that moment he cursed the fact that they were sitting next to the door. They marched right up to the table and looked at Helen, asking her rather bluntly about the two kids. Adonai pulled a vial of brightly coloured liquid from his coat and set it on the table. Helen, and some of the pub regulars that had bought from him before would know that this was one of the explosive kinds, though to anyone else it could be anything. "A word of advice friend, whatever the answer anyone gives to your question, dont go causing any trouble here." He said with a friendly tone to the newcomers. He had a feeling they'd ignore it if they didn't hear what they wanted to hear, but that was what the vial was for. Helen's spirits, Sira as well as Nahor and Heimda sensed the discomfort within their summoner. Sira made an ear splitting hiss that made her flinch, accidentally sharing the pain with the others. Nahor snorted followed by swirling images in the form of steam rushed into her vision. Finally Heimda snarled before his icy sensation filled her body making her feel rather cold. All three had their own way to make their feelings known while they sought the source of her fear. Rattling her after all was rattling them all. "I hope you both are right... now, these damn nerves got everyone shaken up." Helen commented before her attention was shifted by Adonai's odd mention of children. She gave him a look and immediately twisted in her chair, her body half turned to spot the pair slip behind the bar. Her expression was nothing short of bewilderment. "No, I don't think they are anyone's, Adonai." Helen said still watching the spot where the two had vanished. It was then she noted his hand wrapped about her own causing her to give him a warm smile and gentle squeeze of thanks, keeping a firm grasp on his for comfort. These little gestures were a reason she loved him so. Her attention to her husband was short lived when someone new entered and took a table nearby, one of them tapped her on the shoulder. Something wasn't right. While Adonai gave the man a bit of sound advice, Helen noticed the younger one's, a girl by her dress and smaller frame peek out to shake her head. Her heart felt a warmth to the child almost instantly before she pulled down and was replaced by the cheeky little bugger, her mini protector, giving her a cold stare. An image of her brother and herself flashed in her head causing her to communicate with Ignis. [i]I hate to farther delay your treat, Ignis, but something's not right. I'm going to tell you to withdrew, but instead I want you to head over to the pair currently hiding behind the counter? I get a feeling there's more to this story then meets the eye. Could you ask them if they know these men and why they are looking for them? I promise not to eat until you get back. [/i] "Let me put my spirit back and I'll see if I can recall. A little fight happened not too long ago and I might be needed shortly. So pardon me if I have to suddenly excuse myself. Now to answer your question, I want you to answer one of my own. Namely what would four burly, rough men who seem to be rather new around here would be wanting with two young children?" Helen asked while allowing Ignis to do his thing. Ignis was silently proud of his own answer to what the spirit-robot might be. She seemed to calm down, or at least not get any more upset. He moved from a sitting position to a laying position, not that either was any more relaxing to him than the other, and simply waited for the meal to begin. Ignis was not a spirit that liked to be idle, but for a few situations, he could make an exception. Unfortunately, now that he actually wanted everything to be calm, it seemed like the universe was making it a point to have everything happen at once. At first, Ignis paid little mind to the children who stepped into the tavern. Adonai and Helen thought it was peculiar, but he had seen far stranger in his time. However, it was not long before another group entered the tavern, took a table nearby, then started to question Helen. Out of all the people they could have bothered, they went straight to her. [i]Can't everyone just leave them alone for a few minutes? It's like the world's only interesting when I don't want it to be.[/i] He thought to himself. Not only that, but apparently Helen wanted him to do something as well. [i]"Alright, I guess. But it's not my fault if they start screaming or something."[/i] Ignis responded to Helen, dissipating into the air after Helen claimed she was recalling him. He made his way across the room to the children, then positioned himself behind the counter along with them. While he was still out of their line of sight, he coalesced once more into something close to his normal form, but smaller, and with features that were all around less harsh. He had no real problem speaking with children; in fact, they were some of his favorite people. Adults could be exciting in their own ways, but Ignis found that children had much looser interpretations of societal rules. That, or they just didn't care about them, much like himself. If he ever wanted an accomplice, or a target who would give a more entertaining reaction to one of his pranks, a child was always a good choice. "So...what are you hiding from?" Ignis finally asked in a quiet voice. He acted as if he was hiding with them, just to make himself seem a bit less threatening.