Okay so yea this is where I kinda want to interact with everyone outside of any RPs I've created (or PMs). I just kinda want to talk to everyone. See what everyone wants to rant about or discuss in today's society. So here comes my first semi-rant. This Video ---> [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0[/url] This is a rap done by YouTuber Boyinaband (aka Dave). So this rant was to be posted else were but I decided against it. So here come my common thinking of everyday life and how I find this video so easy to relate to as a student myself. This song is amazing. And before people get on me saying that he's saying that kids should drop out of school he specifically says in his comments "[i]...isn't inferring students shouldn't stay in school, it's saying topics which aren't practically useful shouldn't stay in school. There are obviously a lot of benefits to getting an education, I'm just concerned that the topics are not prioritized well at all.[/i]" He's saying that certain topics taught now aren't really important for us to learn. Seriously I agree with him on a lot he says here. The school systems are only teaching me mush instead of the stuff that would actually help me benefit in the real world. I see the points that he makes and it's amazing that in the final four years of school I face that I will more than likely learn none of this and me, I'm very active in many different things from music to forensics. And now realized before I'm even into my first year of high school that I will learn little to NOTHING about how to actually live in the real world. I'm thankful for what my parents are teaching me now about the real world but as I start to think, very few people have parents like mine. People without parents like mine will learn the hard way about the real world. It actually scares me that there will be people roaming around who don't know any of this. What are your guy's thoughts? Do you agree with Boyinaband and I or not and what's that reason? [hider=Warning!] Please do keep in mind I am not in high school just yet so I don't know everything (I will be in high school next year though) and I'm also a horrid writer so yea, sorry if I confuse anyone with my rants... [/hider] Feel free to leave rants of your own or discussion topics. Meh, I don't even know if anyone will see this but I find it amazing to release any pent up anger I have.