"What do you mean you don't know who has it? No, it is not a hood ornament. No... no you can't... I swear Gasser if you scratch it up anymore... alright... ok, ok I get it. We will be there in less than 5. Hey, we may be bringing... guests" Domenico put the vox receiver back on rats box. He sighed, he should have expected Gasser's treatment of the weird xenos tech, the man wasn't known for his forethought, but when you needed shit done he did it. Like quickly grabbing a little piece of new xenos tech from another regiment, by any quick and relatively quiet means necessary, of course the Lord space marine didn't need to know that. Domenico made his way over to the captain, "Before I join you in reclaiming any of the titans I have urgent business to attend to. My men picked up some weird xenos tech and inquisitor's orders are to secure it so I'm about to make my way their with a decent chunk of my regiment to bring to a more secure location. You can come with if you wish, but it won't be as glorious as capturing a titan on your first cycle here, but it's important. I'm off in about an hour, gotta mobilize you know? It's up to you." With that Domenico turned and moved to his chimera super truck for last minute systems checks, he was the driver so it was his job. He was certain the space marine would decline his offer, in a way he hoped the captain would, it would give Domenico more breathing room to work the way he did. But space marines were unpredictable, and either way it was gonna be dangerous, Gasser had somehow managed to get pinned down in a crossfire between ork and chaos forces. Once again in the twoend long career together Domenico would be saving his ass, he smiled when he thought about that. "Great yea, 5 hours, I'm sure I'll still be breathing by then" Gasser groaned, putting his own vox man's communicator back on the pack. He looked around at his boys sorry barricade. They were stuck between two vicious battle lines in a tiny ruin surrounded by the units super trucks. While they weren't real good at keeping heavy stuff out if you were in them, standing behind one side was far safer. He had had the xenos... thing dragged to the center, where it was safest. It was so weird, all smooth and shiny and... neat. It reminded him of Tau tech in that respect, but it was just so different. If he had to guess what it was, Gasser had his money on some kind of surveillance bot... or something like that. Another regiment had found it and Gasser... procured it on Domenico's orders. It kept their regiment to valuable to just throw at enemy lines. Gasser sighed and shouldered his plasma gun,it was gonna be a long 5 hours. And the People And orks Shooting At them Weren't gonna kil thrmselves... probably.