[img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/b/ba/Tumblr_meceb8MGPI1qzbqw1o1_1280.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140423105913&path-prefix=tr[/img] [center][b]One Piece: A New Era Unfolding[/b][/center] The World Government has declared war against the current ruling Yonkou after Akainu's sudden announcement that all pirates having bounties over 100million should be rounded up and executed publicly. Some speculates that the announcement was a propaganda thought up by the Tenryubito to finally seize total power over the world, but others suspects that an even bigger force was behind all of this. Although the idea seem absurd at first, however, with the not so private amassing of Pacifitas and powerful devils fruit users, the Government has been successful so far, executing over 150 pirates with bounties ranging from 200 to 700 million belly in plain public. Threatened by the turn of events, the Yonkou was forced to form a temporary alliance to strike back. The collision of both powers has tipped the world balanced immensely, and thus started the most anarchic era in history. [b]Current state of the New World[/b]: The New World has become the most wretched anarchic zone ever known to this world, clash between pirates and marines were quite frequent in this region that it has become a common sight. Marines and Pacifitas are everywhere. They scourge the great seas, engaging any ship flying a black flag regardless of their law status. Common folks prefers to huddle in their own homes, while others choose to stay at certain designated evacuation sites provided by their Government. Crime rates grew astronomically, while resources are being hoarded by the World Government. [b]News about the Yonkou[/b]: After his encounter with the three admirals and Akainu himself, Kaido has finally fallen. His remaining troops has scattered wounded in the New World, some joined the remaining Yonkous, while the others choose to stay hidden. This has been a huge blow to the pirate side, and so to ensure their power, the Yonkou has been secretly holding councils deciding as to who would replace Kaido's place, and fast. Many rookies has risen in terms of rank and fame within a short span of time, even making it to the short list of candidates. The ascension of a new Yonkou is to be announced in three days time. [center]***[/center] The RP takes place during the preamble of the war, and goes deeper into the cause and finally to the war itself (hopefully) as we progress. So you can choose side between the Pirates and the Marines (or both). You can create your own pirate crew as long as there is a balanced number of devils fruit users, superhuman, and normal crews. I suggest you collaborate with other players if you plan to do so. Like wise if you want to make your own Marine corp, make sure the players are also balanced. For now I allow 2 characters per player max. If you have a specific role you want to play in the RP, just PM me so we can discuss it first. This a recycled RP of mine several months ago, so some might recognize it. [center]***[/center] [b]Character sheet[/b]: Name: Gender: Side: (pirate/marine) Crew: Position: Appearance: Type: (devils fruit user, superhuman, normal) Devils fruit: (make sure you include the name of the devils fruit, the fruit type, and a simple description of how the fruit looks like. Leave this section blank if you dont have one) Ability: Personality: Bio: Others: [b]Pirate Crew[/b]: Crew Name: Ship Name: Flag: (picture/description) Affiliation: (Shanks/Big Mom/Black Beard/independent) [b]Rules[/b]: 1. Send me your complete CS through PM first, if I give it a thumbs up, then that's the only time you can post it here. 2. Follow casual RP rules. Have at least 100 to 150 characters per post minimum. No one liners. 3. No godmode. 4. Romance is okay, but keep it PG. Although I want to see more action than romance to be honest. 5. Try to post once each day, or if not, just try to be active. Check the thread as often as you can, or say hi or whatever, just so we know you're still alive. 6. Others: [i]It's Show Time[/i].[/img] [b]One Piece: A New Era Unfolding[/b][/center] The World Government has declared war against the current ruling Yonkou after Akainu's sudden announcement that all pirates having bounties over 100million should be rounded up and executed publicly. Some speculates that the announcement was a propaganda thought up by the Tenryubito to finally seize total power over the world, but others suspects that an even bigger force was behind all of this. Although the idea seem absurd at first, however, with the not so private amassing of Pacifitas and powerful devils fruit users, the Government has been successful so far, executing over 150 pirates with bounties ranging from 200 to 700 million belly in plain public. Threatened by the turn of events, the Yonkou was forced to form a temporary alliance to strike back. The collision of both powers has tipped the world balanced immensely, and thus started the most anarchic era in history. [b]Current state of the New World[/b]: The New World has become the most wretched anarchic zone ever known to this world, clash between pirates and marines were quite frequent in this region that it has become a common sight. Marines and Pacifitas are everywhere. They scourge the great seas, engaging any ship flying a black flag regardless of their law status. Common folks prefers to huddle in their own homes, while others choose to stay at certain designated evacuation sites provided by their Government. Crime rates grew astronomically, while resources are being hoarded by the World Government. [b]News about the Yonkou[/b]: After his encounter with the three admirals and Akainu himself, Kaido has finally fallen. His remaining troops has scattered wounded in the New World, some joined the remaining Yonkous, while the others choose to stay hidden. This has been a huge blow to the pirate side, and so to ensure their power, the Yonkou has been secretly holding councils deciding as to who would replace Kaido's place, and fast. Many rookies has risen in terms of rank and fame within a short span of time, even making it to the short list of candidates. The ascension of a new Yonkou is to be announced in three days time. [center]***[/center] The RP takes place during the preamble of the war, and goes deeper into the cause and finally to the war itself (hopefully) as we progress. So you can choose side between the Pirates and the Marines (or both). You can create your own pirate crew as long as there is a balanced number of devils fruit users, superhuman, and normal crews. I suggest you collaborate with other players if you plan to do so. Like wise if you want to make your own Marine corp, make sure the players are also balanced. For now I allow 2 characters per player max. If you have a specific role you want to play in the RP, just PM me so we can discuss it first. This a recycled RP of mine several months ago, so some might recognize it. [center]***[/center] [b]Character sheet[/b]: Name: Gender: Side: (pirate/marine) Crew: Position: Appearance: Type: (devils fruit user, superhuman, normal) Devils fruit: (make sure you include the name of the devils fruit, the fruit type, and a simple description of how the fruit looks like. Leave this section blank if you dont have one) Ability: Personality: Bio: Others: [b]Pirate Crew[/b]: Crew Name: Ship Name: Flag: (picture/description) Affiliation: (Shanks/Big Mom/Black Beard/independent) [b]Rules[/b]: 1. Send me your complete CS through PM first, if I give it a thumbs up, then that's the only time you can post it here. 2. Follow casual RP rules. Have at least 100 to 150 characters per post minimum. No one liners. 3. No godmode. 4. Romance is okay, but keep it PG. Although I want to see more action than romance to be honest. 5. Try to post once each day, or if not, just try to be active. Check the thread as often as you can, or say hi or whatever, just so we know you're still alive. 6. Others: [i]It's Show Time[/i].