Eli ignored Ash as he was not in the mood for duddly do rights stupidity. It did not however take long to figure out that this was better left alone. This situation could get out of hand very easily and today was not the day for it. With that thought in mind, he flew away to his next destination, meet Keira. Scorn could wait a while longer. It wasn't like she was going g anywhere. Landing he couldn't help but notice a brand new BMW outside of the bar. Could a bad get worse? He four d his answer in the form of a Federal talking to Keira, the badge on the table only showed Eli what jack ass this guy was. Eli took a deep breath and shouted in excitement. "Baby!" Eli smiled as big as he could with out stretched arms. One hand opened in excitement and the other holding his flying stick. With arms wide open Eli ran towards her and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her. As he pulled away from her slowly he simply said "back door." As quietly as he could, he also sent a shock through his metal staff hoping it was close enough to the douche bags head to shock him.