[color=f7976a][h2]Mar[/h2][/color] They exited the house in silence. The earlier scene of chaos and hell forgotten, yet the words spoke lingered between like a knife able to cut through the thick mood. It might’ve appeared to the others things were back to normal at first glance. However, that matter was hardly the truth. Things were much different inside due to the conversation of pain and misery that happened, her body patched while her heart was still bleeding. So many questions swimmed in her head that Mar’s only chance to stop the hurt was to focus on something. Her eyes slide down to see her torso. In moments she found herself examining the sloppiness of Althalus heartfelt attempt to patch her up. Her eyes never removed from the haphazard way the small wrap had sat, unraveled from his sleeve and slapped on by the salve. It wouldn’t last, at least in her eyes, for very long. [i]Males…[/i] She sighed yet, for some odd reason, couldn’t bring herself to undo his hard work. It felt wrong to attempt or consider it. She puzzled over it for a few seconds longer even after they exited the house, her demeanor seemingly returned to normal. Or at least less closed off. It wasn’t long before her attention was drawn to seeing a blur of someone dashing out of the forest, her eyes jerked up and watched the figure suddenly slam into Grey sending him to the ground. As she drew closer, she noted his robes were burnt and tattered, his exposed flesh had been bloodied, charred and chewed giving him a look of a victim. Her mind knew their targets was within the forest which made her question why this man had survived. She wasn’t given a moment to wonder long when the Yarsomere, his look of disgust and hate plastered on his face, snarled his demands. Her emotions already worn by Althalus earlier, Mar reared to her nine foot tall height and gave a long, uncharacteristic hiss. She revealed her fangs as her tail coiled about her torso, ready to defend herself. About to speak and answer to the man’s insult, her words were interrupted when Althalus leveled his weapon at the man’s position. His questions didn’t echo hers, her ability to sense heat could’ve easily located them if they were in open ground, it would do. Forcing herself to relax, she lowered herself down back to her original position. Through her eyes glared just as ferociously at the man. [color=pink][h2]Lyn[/h2][/color] Lyn was shaking, though slightly less than before, with her arms tightly wrapped about Mei to keep her mind off scene erupting around her. She felt Mei quickly moving, her steps bounced the small child within her grasp while she made her way back to the wagon. It wasn’t far despite Lyn’s fear as she hadn’t much time to run and her distance cut short by the haste in being scooped up. It was a good thing after all. She felt her current guardian's pace slightly change causing her to try to lift her head, only to feel Mei hold her hand against her skull. The child didn’t fight it. Instead she just stayed down and listened to Mei’s breathing to calm farther down. Unaware of the bloodied corpse and the damaged her toy had created, she noted Mei had paused shortly. She felt gravity shift when Mei pause long enough to pick the stuff animal up, its body limp and harmless even when she tried to wipe most the gore from its fur. It was a hasty job but enough to turn the red fur back to a shade of brown, allowing Lyn to hold it close. In moments the girl was settled into the wagon with the warmth of Mei’s kiss and words promising to be back. Lyn whimpered softly, watching the woman leave with fearful eyes, as her arms clinging to her bear and her body lowered to curl up into a ball. All she could do was wait. [color=PaleGreen][h2]Rathel [/h2][/color] Rathel’s tendrils took in the pheromones radiating off the Elf as a cue to calm things down. She was clearly upset and that would only create more pain, his long fingers slowly reaching for her out held arm. He nodded. However before he began, he closed his eyes. From under the stones plants, namely camomile, spearmint and lavender started to spring forward and reach high. They sprouted green leaves and flowers while slowly filling the air with their scent. After several seconds the air was thickly perfumed in a rich, calming aroma that-unless countered- would’ve sent any breathing creature into a less excited state. [color=PaleGreen]“I’m sorry this has turned into such a mess, these vines weren’t suppose to attack you unless your were trespassing. They were a defense meant to kill my kind, namely after last summer. I’m called Rathel and I’m sadden to have met under such terrible conditions.”[/color] Rathel commented then started. Letting his magic flow and reach into the skin, the withering under her surface quickly stilled and started to gather. Fire was likely the best sensation to describe the pain. Namely as the flaring nerves felt themselves rubbed against and pressured as the vines slithered to meet in the center of her forearm where Rathel was touching. Luckily they hadn’t much time to spread too far. His nail reached to his own arm and started to slice into the joint where his wrist connected, revealing a weak point for a blade. Blackish green blood oozed. Instantly Myrn felt the pain increased tenfold while the vines seemed to give a hiss. They jerked through the open wound, prying open the skin, then borrowing into his wrist with greed. More of his blood spilt, causing to flinch and resist the urge to give any signs of pain. It hard to hide the fact he was hurt when the plants entered. [color=PaleGreen]“There,” [/color]he spoke then started to place a seed to the wound. Immediately the vines started to sprout and grow, thickening to create a green, flexible bandage allowing him to stop the bleeding for now. Sure it would’ve held, he gently released the Elf . Then he paused as if realizing something, his head and body motionless while the plants he had used to calm Myrn returned back under the stone. The scene looked the same before it ever happened. Finally seeming to have absorbed his information given by the vines, Rathel ensured to be ready to keep Myrn upright if she felt dizzy or weak. After all, the procedure had taken a lot of blood and been crippling almost for Khan when it happened. [color=PaleGreen]“Now, Uicle would you be so kind to take our guest to the infirmary? Best to get that bandaged properly and any damage mended, something one of Lidda’s advance students should be capable of and Sam himself. He’ll also have some painkillers to ease the hurt.” [/color] He was about to leave when he stopped, adding one last thing in a quieter tone between the two. If she was observant enough she might’ve spotted the trickle of his blood dribbling from his tendriled mouth. [color=PaleGreen]“Some of the worse things have been done with such intentions, those plants are one of them. One of Khan’s desperate ideas to protect. However, please, don’t judge him too harshly. He blames himself for you being injured, rightly so, but also...he takes blame for many things that he shouldn’t. His heart is and will always be his greatest weakness.”[/color] It was then, when Tyrael backed off, Khan suddenly fell to his knee unable to fight gravity any longer. His rush to Myrn's aid had taken far more energy than any of them had originally thought.