I mainly played Xbox 360 and PC. So a lot of these games I just can't speak on, and there's little other games I even know of. [hider=Comments on current games] 1. Demon Souls Predecessor to Dark Souls. I can imagine one liking this if they like Dark Souls, just remember things will be less refined. 2. Dragons Dogma I've played this on the 360. It's an interesting game, but you despite appearances note that it's fairly railroaded for a while. And also note silent protagonist but overly (uselessly) vocal companions. 3. Last of Us Critically acclaimed for it's story telling. I'd put this high on your to play list if not make it outright priority. [/hider] [hider=Suggested games] 1. Persona Never had a PS3 so I never played this myself. But I've seen it constantly praised for it's gameplay, as well as it's great (and non-traditional) storyline and characters. It's one of the games I plan to get the day I have a PS3. [/hider]