[quote=@Forest Bandit] Oh awesome, I'm not alone! That's a green light for the collaborative history. The Chee Nation is young, but the tribes that form it are ancient, so there would have been a fair amount of interaction between the two peoples. I'm going to go ahead and say the Chee is an ethnicity, based mostly in the Odase region (my territory, basically). I think I'll go and make that clear in my sheet. From what I've read, the Dratha are the more advanced, rooted and mightier of the two. Perhaps we could start off hostile, with the Chee having been pushed from the south slowly by Dratha, driving them into conflict with the northern territories. Then once civilised man starts abusing our lands and peoples, we can talk about uniting. Nothing says "fear me" like a multitude of semi-cannibalistic natives going on a War Path. [/quote] Great! Yeah, since both ethnicities and their cultures are ancient, I'm sure the Dratha and Chee have been intermittently at each other's throats for centuries- as well as trade partners and perhaps sometime allies. If the Dratha did push the Chee northwards, it likely would have been a slow process over many centuries. Likewise, I'm sure the Chee in their time have invaded Drathan lands and there's been plenty of wars fought between the two, and internecine wars in which the other set of tribes/clans have gotten involved. Since the Chee are sun worshippers, I made the Drathan religion center around astrology, the moon and the stars, so I figure they could have some kind of old rivalry about the 'people of the sun' and the 'people of the moon' or the 'people of day' and the 'sons of the night' or w/e we come up with. It's likely the current Drathan dictator/warlord would want to make peace/ally with the Chee, since he recognizes the increasing threat of foreign incursion. Of course, few others among the Dratha do, and the Chee probably dont, so there's plenty of room for early game warfare.