[b]Sharva[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/1zpWacg][img]http://i.imgur.com/1zpWacg.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Sex/Gender[/b] Male [b]Portfolio[/b] [b]The Good Man Of The Moon[/b] Sharva owns the Moon. As such, he controls a very large estate. The Moon is a magical place, filled with mythological occurrences, magicians go there once they have learned enough power in the world down below. On The Moon, magical things, such as Moondust, powerful herbs meant for many different unusual purposes, even faeries, etcetera, exist. Some suggest The Moon is a sort of afterlife. It wouldn't be impossible. Sharva is the god of Hospitality, and Survival, after all. Some say that The Moon is a place where it is always Winter, yet the cold isn't always harsh. [b] The Clairvoyant Master[/b] The Master Of All Clairvoyants. Remote viewing, innate scrying, many other viewings of people across the universe. . . are all under his power. Even Prophecy, although Prophecy isn't as much under his purview as it is under a deity of Prophecy. He can, however, see Clairvoyance in others. Other forms of Clairvoyance is also under his purview. The Arch Paragon Legend says he survived the anger of the other gods by hiding, taking care of wounds and being extremely cunning and shrewd. Eventually he returned into everyone els'es good graces. He even survived having his brain removed. The legend says that he found his brain and surgically re-attached it. Likewise, for when he snubbed his lover, she removed his genitals and crushed them. He used his powers of clairvoyance to magically regenerate them. He repeatedly hid in creative places and finally the others were so impressed with his nerve and guile that they were just glad he was on their side. [b]The Winter Ancient[/b] He possesses the power over Winter. He protects people from dying in harsh Winters, puts bears to sleep, and guides travelers to hospitality. His power over hospitality and Winter are intertwined. Also, if you want someone to piss off, don't make it Sharva. He came across a country that he found abusive to their children. . . forcing them to marry young and engage in dangerous painful activities, torturing innocent animals, making the children watch, burning siblings alive, sometimes starving them to death for sadistic fun. Sharva's reaction was to transport the children all to the Moon, now known as Moon children, march down to the Underworld and take the victims to his Palace City, and cover the entire Empire under ice, sentencing the entire population to an eternal loop of their sins, their death and damnation of Eternal Winters of biting cold. Sometimes he causes them to live in Otherworldly Ruins of their ancient Empire with very little food and sources of water, forcing them to just have enough to fight each other. Occasionally someone wakes up from their Limbo to discover what has happened, and attempt to make an offering to Sharva to appease him and escape the Eternal Cold and betrayal at one another's hands. One time, The Winter Ancient let them all live to be one hundred years old under sickeningly poor conditions, unable to bear children, freezing to near death in the Harsh Winters which never ended and watched them as they all committed mass suicide under his suggestion as a gesture of sincerity, only to wake up into the Next Cycle aware that they were unable to escape. Most of the time, victims of the Other Worldly Ruins have no idea what's going on no matter how long the Curse lasts. There have been more inhabitants of the Cursed Ruins over the years. They are always the worst that any civilization has to offer. Walder Frey, for example, violated hospitality and brutally murdered thousands of people, if you've seen Game Of Thrones. If you'd hand Walder Frey to Sharva, he could flay him alive, coat him salt, dissect him, keep his soul alive and conscious within his semi-living corpse inside an eternal funeral pyre, if he felt he was in a very good mood. [b]Affiliation:[/b]Deity [b]Parentage[/b]: Aroesus'es Child. . . [b]Role In the Downfall:[/b] He gave Aroesus a place of Sanctuary in the Moon Palace City. His death there was an astounding disappointment and more than a little creepy for him, since the Moon is warded against intruders. [b]Psychology:[/b] Sharva is the powerful Lord Of The Moon. He lords over certain kinds of mystical knowledge but doesn't identify himself as much of a mystical deity. He lords over Clairvoyance but sees Clairvoyance as something under the natural order of the world. The Moon is integral to the Cosmic order of both the world and in the grand scheme of all the Creations ever made, and he also presides over the great balance over Winter. His moral character abounds in hospitality, as a guide for the survival of others, and as a watchman who warns others of incoming peril. Sometimes he can be a destroyer of wicked doers, such as when he created the Cursed Ruins over the frozen corpses of an entire civilization whom he judged as too cruel to survive. Where the gods of life may have failed to provide attention for certain areas of the herbal crafts, he brings medicine and the ways of survival to those who have missed the little things. He is perpetually polite. On rare occasions however, he can be exceedingly sensual and erotic. . . to the point of driving the other gods and sometimes the entire world into a frenzy of frustration and annoyed mania. One of his major points in the world, however, is his ability to live in a state of exceeding cunning and is a guide to keep others out of trouble. He also provides protection for children during their sleep. Children call him Grandpa Moon. [b]History[/b]: Sharva was said to be born from the love of Aroesus and the Moon. It is a debate whether the Myth is only making a proverb about him having sex with his wife under the Moonlight. Whatever the case, he is one of the oldest deities, some say he is Primordial, but he gets along with anyone who he deems benign to the balance of the Cosmos. He sees good, benevolent behavior as the only way to maintain order throughout the Cosmos, so people who are at least benign and not aggressive are left alone from his punishments. When he was created it's said he was given secret teachings from Aroesus and sometimes other Primordial deities. He later gave the secrets of eternal life, alternative eternal life (Living on the Moon, basically), other things regarding secrets of the Moon, rewarded hospitality and punished inhospitality. Violating his rules of hospitality doesn't just include losing your temper or being rude to your guests, although he doesn't consider such things lightly. He does, however, mete out heavy punishments against those who are cruel. Abusing a child enables him to reach heights of anger that could shake the world, perhaps even scar the world forever. He encased the forgotten civilization with eternal winter, encasing all of it's inhabitants with ice, and took their children from them, cursing the evil doer's souls to an eternal Ice Age of starvation, freezing, cannibalism and betrayal.