Artemis an Mina sat in her bed room chatting about threats the large white tom sensed approaching. [B][U]Mina :[/U][/B] So how are you so sure there's trouble in the air?" [B][U]Artemis :[/U][/B] Because I am sensing the others awakening which means that something is up. Explanations as to how this response occurs I cannot give because as well versed as I am in the senshi power that is not an area I can explain. [B][U]Mina :[/U][/B] So then this means that I'm in for more training and I'll have to forget about hanging out at the mall? [B][U]Artemis :[/U][/B] I wish you wouldn't do that at all and focus more on your responsibilities as a senshi [B][U]Mina :[/U][/B] They say all work an no play makes for a dull girl Artemis chuckles then says [B][U]Artemis :[/U][/B] That explains why you sparkle in the daylight Mina throws a pillow at Artemis which he dodges with ease. [B][U]Mina :[/U][/B] Smart Alec The two of them being good friends have a good laugh before Mina checks to see if anyone is watching her window before changing into the Sailor Senshi Venus and leaping outside closely followed by Artemis.