[b]Name:[/b] Gavin Ashcroft [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, slim build, somewhat-shaggy black hair, sharp, foxy featured face, neatly trimmed goatee. Used to dress rather shabby, but has made a concerted effort to dress more appropriate to his new-found identity as a respectable Hero. Often wears a battered dark-red fedora he got from... somewhere. [b]Side:[/b] Formerly Infamous, attempting to go Hero [b]Personality:[/b] Gavin's most distinctive feature is his hotheadedness. For much of his life, Gavin was severely lacking in self-control, prone to violent mood-swings or outbursts. This only got worse after The Beast destroyed Empire City, and Gavin began severely resenting the "Mortals" who blamed Conduits such as him for the disaster. After his stint in Curdun Cay, however, Gavin has resolved to better himself in order to atone for his actions during the disaster. He still is prone to losing his cool, though he's much quicker to catch and contain his anger, though he's not always successful. But points for effort, at least. [b]Biography:[/b] Gavin was a simple delinquent living on the streets of Empire City before The Beast showed up and blew the entire city to pieces. He wasn't anticipating waking up in the wake of such a nightmare, much less with the powers he now wielded. At first, he sought only to survive the horrors of what came in The Beast's wake, but as he saw more atrocities committed against him and his fellow Conduits- as he watched innocent people killed for something they had no control over, just so the Mortals could have their precious little scapegoats- he flipped. He lashed out at those who tried to hurt him, as well as those like him. He began to gather the people he saved, an army against the panicked mobs of Mortals, a rising tide against their ignorance. Why should they bow to the whims of mundane humans when they held the very powers of the Gods in their hands? It was then that Gavin decided- if the rest of the world would not accept them, then they would cower before them. Thankfully for both Gavin and the rest of the world, it was not meant to be- the RFI being fired, the military reclaiming Empire City's ashes, the formation of the DUP- all these events conspired to end Gavin's reign of terror after it had just barely begun. Losing a significant portion of his followers to the RFI pulse, and the rest to the DUP, Gavin surrendered to their custody. For seven long years, Gavin wasted away within Curdun Cay, subject to the horrible ambitions of Brooke Augustine. For seven long years, Gavin pondered his place in the world, and looked on with regret at the atrocities he had committed, as well as the ones he planned to commit. And for seven long years, Gavin prayed- to whatever god he cared to name, whichever one he believed might listen- that he might have a chance to redeem himself of his sins. And then it happened. Delsin Rowe brought down Augustine's empire, exposed her lies and corruptions, and paved the way for Gavin and all of his fellow inmates to be released. And so, Gavin Ashcroft has his second chance. Only time will tell if he can truly do it justice. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Napalm-[/i] Creation, manipulation, and control of a flammable tar-like substance [i]Di Immortale-[/i] Gavin is immune to heat and flame, and can absorb flaming or burning substances to regenerate his injuries. [i]Hand of Hades-[/i] Gavin can produce tentacles of molten "Napalm" to ensnare and assault his opposition. Said tentacles can be detonated, either remotely by Gavin, or by outside stimuli (such as fireballs, electric blasts, or even powerful gunfire). Gavin can also use these "Hands" as a traversal method, lashing and swinging his way between buildings and other parts of the environment. [i]Greek Fire-[/i] Gavin produces burning Napalm globules that stick to enemies and continuously burns them, and can also be remotely detonated as explosives. [i]Scylla Ballistae-[/i] Launches semi-autonomous Napalm constructs shaped like snakes that seek out the opposition and explodes on them, covering the affected area with even more burning Napalm. Said constructs also move faster over already-existing Napalm pools and flows. [i]Stygian Form-[/i] Gavin transforms into a liquid form, rendering him immune to most offensive actions and allowing him to flow through tight spaces or even up walls with some concentrated effort. [i]Across the Styx-[/i] Gavin can transport himself between any pool of Napalm he's created. [i]Phlegethon-[/i] Gavin's ultimate ability blankets an area in Napalm, granting him awareness of anything the Napalm covers, or of anyone walking over it. He can also manipulate the tar field to attack anyone within range of his "divination." [b]Other:[/b] Gavin has heterochromia- his left eye is green, while his right eye is brown.