[img]https://darkartangel.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/arran-white-trip-city.jpg[/img] [color=FF0000][b]Arran White[/b][/color] [i]SilverWolfAngel[/i] Age: 16 Hair Color: Red with black tips Eye Color: the left one is Dark purple-blue, the right is hidden under the eyepatch and is a pale blue and scarred. Height: 5’10” ish Body Type: sort of lanky. Other Information: While Arran is a girl, she is often mistaken as a boy, and glad for it; she hates having to be defined as a girl. The only thing defining Arran as a girl is the tiny little fact that she is one. Other than that she walks like a boy, talks like a boy, basically almost is a boy. She is often confused for being a boy and never corrects anyone when they get it wrong. A little naïve, Arran doesn’t go to school, instead learning what she wants to learn, as and when she wants to learn it. She is an artist, and sings, but never for others to hear. She spends her time reading and wandering round the city sketching.