Shu was really enjoying himself and the food he was given, finding it all to be a little too much for him to handle mentally. He was just completely happy to be eating so much fresh food and was almost jumping on his chair. He had been hungry all day and this was the best solution. Eating happily he turned to Takeshi, giving him a little wave with a piece of fruit on his finger. “Isn’t this nummy? Yummy yum! Can we get fruit and stuff for when we go and travel again?” he asked out, giving Takeshi a big smile, “Yummy fruit and yummy meats, yes? I miss bananas, though…I love bananas!” Hopefully Takeshi was having as much of a good time as he was with this food, even with T’charrl’s parents being right there. He wasn’t afraid of T’charrl’s parents like Takeshi was of his friend’s mother, especially when he was never threatened by her. He didn’t know why she might’ve lashed out sometimes but he did learn from it and to not make terrible mistakes. “Can we grow trees with the fruit?” T’charrl didn’t think he could manage a conversation if he was stuffing his face. He was rather curious about how his parents thought about his travels, giving his mother a smile. He was happy with hearing that his mother was so supportive of him, even if it was with a little uncertainty to whether he was actually completely better. Looking down at himself he could see why that was, but a few additions shouldn’t be too much of a problem. “I tried really hard to keep you and Father in mind. I didn’t get into too many fights, luckily”, he sighed, smiling to himself as he directed his eyes to his plate, “I wish I could understand what’s happened to me, though…that’s all I wanted”. Poking at his food at a little he was soon dropped a question he really didn’t know how to answer, especially when he hadn’t seen too many planets while two proved to be pretty dangerous to him. Tilting his head a little he gave it a moment of thought before smiling a little. “I guess I liked Earth a lot. I learned how to use my own life force to attack instead of what I already have. It was hard fitting in and there was a lot of deep water, but I still did the most there”, he spoke before looking back to his mother, “They had barely any trees! It would be nice to visit again, but so many of their kind makes it difficult to not look like a monster. I can do so many neat things now, even fly without using my wings!” Viral didn’t want to get all annoyed at Yumi but she was making it hard when she was being so silly. He didn’t know what was bringing that mood on but it was confusing him. Narrowing his gaze at her confusion over his protest he soon sighed and looked away again. “The Rebellion…hmph. You know they would never trust me again, and that Korian…” he grumbled, scratching at his face, “His own hatred of me will keep me from becoming anything he finds threatening. People don’t trust artificial creatures in positions of power. No sooner would I be in control of an army will people be hunting it down…besides, nobody likes taking orders from artificial creatures either”. Even when he was in control of the Saiyans people only feared him because of his lack of morals and the fact he had rose up to Elite status as soon as he appeared in the public eye. If he could become Commander again he would need to be in a war, but if the war was supposedly ‘ending’ soon then there was no point. It would be like giving him a cake but told he could only have a spoonful. He just didn’t know where he belonged in a world where everything was planned out but what he was supposed to be. Listening to Yumi he didn’t know what to make of it, feeling confused still as he tried to figure out what was meant by that. There was reasons he was the way he was and why his body was failing him, but he couldn’t understand what that purpose was other than what the RRA had plans for him. They were the first to create a weakness for him and now the Saiyans had that technology too. Giving her a glance when she laughed he only sighed, looking away again. “I’m not going to be your sidekick. I might as well clean your toilet while I’m at it…” he sighed, shaking his head, “There has to be something I’m not being told…but I can’t figure it out. I can create a monstrous machine with my energy alone…but why? Why can I use it to change form? Who would think to create something like me if not a madman. Dare I call Vegeta’s parents mad and that passing onto him?”