[b]Video Gadgeteer Q2 Spring, 1992 HQs: Medicine Hat, Alberta (CA/US) $149,639,500[/b] (was $123,889,500) --- [b][i]Janet-R[/i] marketed![/b] [i]Janet-R[/i] has been marketed worldwide with a string of billboards and TV commercials for a series of "household robots" which can be "controlled using a portable control device called a Game Pocket". The meta-advertisement is accompanied with ads in game magazines and newspapers resembing a newspaper classified section, with an ad labelled "Wanted: Janitors/maids willing to work for no pay 24 hours a day. Call 1-800-555-0123" circled in yellow highlight, with a fake tear that can be turned to see more in-depth info for the game. (-$25,000,000 for 5 large marketing campaigns) --- [b][i]Gadgeteer Kitten 3D[/i] announced![/b] After the disaster that was Gadget Kat Extreme, Video Gadgeteer has decided to return to the tried and true formula for [i]Gadgeteer Kitten 3D[/i]. Alpha screenshots for the game, while not actually "3D", show an isometric world with varying heights of platforms. The isometric blocks are much larger than Gadgeteer Kitten himself, in order to make it easier for players to keep from falling off the edges of blocks. [i][@DiamondBlizzard] If you need an example of where this has been done IRL, behold [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_3D_Blast]Sonic 3D Blast[/url]. The formula was poorly implemented in 3D Blast - you had to defeat all enemies to progress which was boring, and the controls were iffy - and the idea simply didn't work for Sonic as it felt slow. However GK3D will have... 1) Slow, usually large, golem-like enemies that are big, easy-to-hit targets. They merely exist as obstacles and you will not have to defeat all of them to complete a level. 2) Extra time will be spent to make the controls properly responsive on the regular controller, and there will be an option to have the control pad responses re-orient so that up is up-left or up-right, and the game will come with a custom controller that resembles the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NES_Max]NES Max Controller[/url]. The isometric "blocks" used will also be larger so that GK won't fall or be unable to line up properly. 3) Unlike Sonic, Gadgeteer Kitten doesn't emphasize speed but rather exploration and abilities. This makes the isometric platformer level design more suited to the franchise.[/i]