[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] /// [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kEZYnqOIc8]Warakuma High, Class 3-3 -> Auditorium[/url][/h3] When class ended, Sato found himself without an idea as to what he should do. No Archery, he didn’t feel like getting together with any friends, and he didn’t feel like loafing around his home for the rest of the day. It took him a few moments, as he leaned back into his seat, to remember that Drama meets on Tuesdays, and the day was in fact Tuesday. The teen groaned in response to the recollection, but in truth, there wasn’t anything he’d rather be doing. It was… refreshing, in an odd sort of way, to get into the Drama crowd. Hamada was certainly an interesting leader, the actual content of the club was enjoyable, and the people he met there were decent enough. Sato rose from his seats, collected his items together into a single pile, and made his way out from the classroom and over to the auditorium where Drama met. [center][b]|-----|[/b][/center] Upon entering, Sato immediately noticed that the room felt more spacious due to the tables and chairs stacked and placed next to the walls. Hamada had just finished putting up the final chair when Sato had walked in, and the boy soon found a comfortable spot in the slowly increasing crowd of people in the middle of it. Some familiar faces came in as well— the most recognizable being the recently-met Sieghardt. He considered going over and talking to the red-head, but he decided against it when Leiko Hamada begun to talk to club’s entirety. A stack of papers was passed around, and as people circulated the sheets throughout themselves, Hamada went on to recap the last meeting’s events and to explain what she was intending to get accomplished in the next while, as well as what they were to be doing in a little bit. ‘[i]Working on dialogue[/i],” as she said. What ‘dialogue’ was actually supposed to mean in this kind of context, Sato had no clue, but he figured it to be unimportant. Hopefully someone would explain or the demonstration Hamada was about to give would give some good perspective on what it was going to specifically be. Sato considered volunteering to be Hamada’s partner in this demonstration, but he decided that his lack of both ability and knowledge of what’d he’d be doing seemed like it’d be detrimental to the purpose of a demonstration. As in, that it wouldn’t demonstrate things well. Luckily, someone volunteered after a lengthy silence, and that person was Sieghardt. Drama queen with an equally as dramatic queen. Sato took a more comfortable stance as a smile formed on his lips. It was sure to be an interesting duo to be sure.