[quote=@Teknonick] [Christopher] "Hey, what you did was pretty dangerous, but in the end, no one was hurt. From what I could tell... this happens a lot, doesn't it? This happens to be one of my many specialties. The place I learned my magic from specializes in destroying evil... or, in some cases, curing it. If you're willing to, I would be glad to offer you my help, as a fellow guild member, as as duty of my people. I can't promise anything will happen within the next few days, but over the course of the training, you may be able to fully understand our abilities, and no longer lose control." Christopher offered Inigo, moving his horse slowly over to the boy. He tried to make sure he went slow enough that the young girl riding his horse wouldn't fall off. "It's your choice however. But I do advise you seek help anyway, as you could have caused some massive damage here today if everyone didn't pitch in to stop you." [/quote] With the jump start of the horse the girl mounted swayed but remained on the beast, her legs wrapped around and her face showing she was very happy. But looking to indigo she gave a face expressing a her worry over how he would fair. Looking around it became the city was in ruins. "Oh oh oh, I can train you, I bet you'll have loys of fun. We can go in the woods and camp, or eat marshmellows, or ride horsies!" She bellowed, seemingly never stopping.