[hider=Adelaide] [b]Name:[/b]Adelaide del Monte [b]Age:[/b]29 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Mountain Elf [b]Kingdom of origin:[/b] Southern Nepharie [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Adelaide's the first to acknowledge that she'll be the last of Senator del Monte's brood to marry. An older sister with mother's hazel eyes; Asta had legs that never seem to end, full lips that would demand the gaze of even the meekest of men and beautiful, flowing blonde hair. Then there's Ciara, two years younger and ten years shorter but with the bust of someone twice her age! Adelaide never could figure out how such a thin waist could support knockers that size and for every gaze that Asta's lips caught you could guarantee Ciara would get ten more. A cute, rounded little nose rested between the most beaming smile and a set of bright, inviting blue eyes that were always wide open and gave Ciara a look of unparalleled innocence. Then there was Adelaide... Adelaide; awkwardly in the middle. Not the tallest and not the shortest she seemed to be the only one of the three del Monte girl's to inherit more of her father's ordinary genes. Dark, solid brown eyes and a rounded, plain face with the exception of a few unevenly dispersed freckles. Adelaide thought she looked more like Ciara than Asta but never seemed to get the same attention as her younger sibling. Maybe it was because where Ciara's mass was in all the right places Adelaide's was in all the worst - a thick neck, burly shoulders and wide hips spawning large thighs and equally as impressive calves often left Adelaide feeling grateful for at least being thin at the waist and even then if she'd sit around for a week even that [i]hourglass figure[/i] (or so she consoled herself) would begin to fade. Adelaide was never as keen to spend hours getting her hair cut and styled as her sisters and often just let her hair grow and grow regularly finding new ways to fashion the chestnut brown locks into something grandiose and feminine. [b]Attire:[/b] When going to important events and gatherings Adelaide wears a varying assortment of dresses and gowns in a multitude of colours. For even though she resents having her hair done and beauty therapy she must confess that she enjoys getting all dressed up and putting on some jewels for the right occasion. Adelaide isn't too afraid of showing a little skin either - when she's out running errands around the mountains she trades a rather sensible, formal style for that of a flamboyant, very informal style that displays a wild side neither of her sisters possess. A beautiful, flowing one-piece swapped out for a leopard-skin skirt with the sides torn for mobility, her top half is always well protected with a well-fitted, dragonscale cuirass, dark maroon in colour and interwoven with tanned, tough leather of a lightly tanned colour. The cuirass was a gift from a wealthy politician over in the tropics, Adelaide's father told her that the man expressed a desire to marry her even though they've never met and promptly gave the man her measurements, after-all dragonscale was hard to acquire and Pierro del Monte never looked a gift horse in the mouth. The guy even refuses to leave his name on the gifts he sends, which Adelaide could never figure out - after all, she couldn't fall in love with a question mark. Adelaide also wears various fur-lined vambraces, boots and gloves depending on what she feels like on the day. [b]Personality:[/b] Adelaide's very grounded considering she's always had anything she's ever wanted on a silver spoon. She enjoys adventure and jumps at the chance to run errands for her father, whom she idolises, despite him oft being reluctant to let her go - truth be told these are the only times she doesn't have to act like a [i]proper lady[/i]. Her down-to-earth attitude, unlimited patience and a willingness to learn has lead to her being well liked and respected amongst peers and teachers alike. That's not to say, however, that she's academically gifted (that was always Asta's forte), in fact she never could understand words, numbers or magic very well. While other students would excel at performing fabulous examples of magic Adelaide would protest that if she wanted to make the rocks fly she'd pick 'em up and throw 'em. Even though Adelaide was hopeless at performing magic growing up, like most elves she's fascinated with nature and always takes the time to respect and care for whatever environment she finds herself in. Growing up with two sisters Adelaide can sometimes have a sharp tongue and doesn't fully understand the possible consequences of nattering about lords and ladies, kings and queens or anything else she finds remotely interesting to talk about. She doesn't like to be alone and regularly looks for reasons to be around people. Despite not being noticeably good at anything Adelaide feels as though she was meant for something bigger than just an ordinary life living in the mountains, marrying a senator and then playing happy for the world to see. [b]Hobbies/interests:[/b] Adelaide enjoys nothing more than being out in nature and for each thing she didn't know about magic she could teach you two about her environment - mainly the mountains. When the giant ramp Castle Alma is sealed tight it can begin to feel like a cold, lonely place (especially since Ciara's been spending all of her time studying at Stormfront, just like Asta did and Adelaide rarely sees her older sister anymore). When Adelaide feels sad she enjoys finding old books in the library and reading through them - even though the books could sometimes be confusing to her they were always sure to have illustrious and grand pictures; of animals, beasts, trees, the world. Adelaide remembers the ramp being up for two whole months one time during a particularly fierce sandstorm, she got a lot of reading done in that time and when the storm eased up she could be free once again. Free meant being outside - running and climbing across the mountains, slipping down the mudslides, swinging and leaping across crevices. Outside is the only time Adelaide ever truly feels herself and she's always ecstatically excited when she knows she gets to go out next. She enjoys tending to animals of any sort and tries her best to keep all the plants in her garden in tip-top condition (yes, father gave his daughter a garden). [b]Skills:[/b] Years of climbing around the mountains has lead to Adelaide being very fit and quite agile considering her almost frumpy frame (kinda like that sexy bitch from the croods). Adelaide's best talent appears to be keeping the animals happy - Volak refuses to get fed by anyone other than her and Pierro. During her "studying" at the Grand Tower Adelaide was toughened up a little bit and even got around to trying her hand at combat with some of the younger boys, needless to say she wasn't very good at it. She never completed her time there and eventually went back to the comfort of castle Alma complaining that she didn't feel ready to go out into the world on her own. Her intelligence seems to be at a slightly below average. [b]Backstory:[/b] Adelaide grew up behind the great stone walls of Castel Alma, a cliff dwelling thats walls were human-built using thousands of hardy, orange rocks that were gathered from miles around. The structure lay discretely on the landscape and was almost invisible to the eye during even the lightest of sandstorms, unless the humongous flat stone that passed as a ramp was lowered but the only entrance to the castle was ALWAYS closed in a storm. The castle is between the centre of Southern Nepharie and the bay of clams, rumour has it that it was the del Monte's ancestors that were responsible for exotic goods of lobster, spices, oysters and mostly; pineapples, flooding into the more populated regions of Tithe and considering the vast wealth of the family lots say that the islanders were exploited by the Del Monte's but that was then and this is now and Pierro's accepted by the local communities of both Nepharie and the Tropics. Adelaide didn't get accepted to study at Isaiah Stormfront's castle like her sisters, and she was sure Ciara only got invited because Isaiah took a personal liking to Asta, instead she spent a few years trying her hardest to do magic but after a few years found that nobody there understood her and promptly returned home. Other than that the biggest adventure she's been on is a trip to the tropics when she was much younger and even that, one of the few memories she has of her family being together as five, was beginning to fade. For Adelaide the story begins here... [b]Family:[/b] [b]Father:[/b] Senator Pierro del Monte - Ruler of Castle Alma and Ambassador of peoples within and around its walls - Nothing about Pierro would strike out as making him different from any other senator: Ambitious, proud and servile are just a few words that have been thrown around the courtroom when describing him. Constantly striving to increase his position in the empire he doesn't spend much time with his family, though when he does he appears to be a kind and caring man. Pierro is also capable of taming wild creatures and has an unmatched affinity for the mountains, through his year's he's attempted to tame many beasts with various success - the two that stuck around are 'Volak'; a mangy looking giant vulture with a bad attitude if left unchecked and 'Archibald'; an overweight desert pig (I was thinking desert pigs could be like boars but without the tusks if that could be a thing) who has a young and vigorous spirit despite his weight problem. [b]Mother:[/b] Sibelle del Monte - Adelaide's mother is also ambitious, although unlike the rather indecisive, sometimes rash, sometimes collected attitude displayed by her father Sibelle is always politically calculating, perceptive and insightful. She loves her husband and children and would do anything to protect them. She used to be a powerful Mage but vowed never to do magic again after an accident she chooses not to speak of, truth be told she knows that she's lost a lot of her mojo. She doesn't feel it necessary to spend time relearning what she once knew now that she's happy with where her life is. [b]Older Sister:[/b] Asta del Monte - A powerful Mage who has decided to continue learning from old books in the academy of Ostracus after completing her studies at Stormfront castle. She specialises in air magic and is particularly interested in spells of concealment using a combination of mists and smokes. Younger sister: Ciara del Monte - A promising Mage who is still midway through her studies at Stormfront. She is bubbly, playful, flirty and fascinated with earth magic. [b]Relationships:[/b] Same as above. Adelaide is Father's favorite, Mother's least favorite (putting it bluntly) and gets along equally as well with both of her sisters although she's spent more time growing up with Ciara (who's 2 years younger) than Asta (about 30 years older). [b]Weapons:[/b] being rich? [b]Skills:[/b] If you haven't put the dots together yet you're not too far away from Adelaide's mindset... With her mother's renown raw magical talent that we know has passed to Adelaide's sisters and her father's fondness of all things living, particularly animals, she has the POTENTIAL to be quite a powerful beast tamer. Quite powerful indeed. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Hates to be alone, clueless about a lot of things, happy-go-lucky attitude that sometimes leads to her not trying too hard to obtain things that she's perfectly capable of, early signs of attention deficit disorder, next to no technical combat ability, sometimes irritating, doesn't compare herself to her sisters maybe as much as she should (especially if you ask her mother). [b]Companion: [/b]yet to come? [b]Other:[/b] Polaris rectum. [/hider]