Okay, a few things: 1) What in the name of Brassica Prime is an orange squirrel? Also, I'm not a huge fan of that part of her attire in general. It makes me think of a sexualized barbarian in an MMO, which is really not what I want to think about when it comes to this rp. If you want her to have less...stuffy, attire, I'd look up medieval working class clothing and go off of that. 2) I should have specified more with Stormfront Castle; Stormfront Castle is not an official magic school like the Temple, the Grand Tower, or the Academy. Stormfront Castle is the home of a family of Fairfolk seers, and it also just so happens that every ten years or so Isaiah Stormfront, the patriarch of the Stormfront family, allows five to ten students to come and train under him (since he's the most powerful wizard, like, ever). If you want to have the del Monte daughters have gone to magic school, I would suggest having Adelaide go to the Grand Tower and having Asta and Clara be apprentices at Stormfront (if they were really super intellectually gifted). 3) If their name's del Monte, then they'd better be involved in the pineapple trade. :P (this isn't actually a critique) @All: [url=http://io9.com/what-kind-of-armor-did-medieval-women-really-wear-1502779338]Cool Article[/url]