[quote=@Stella] I had apologized to Lugubrious via PM the day after that incident. I was completely in the wrong on that day and I fully admitted to it. [img]http://i.imgur.com/CfX4ewc.png[/img] So to see this comment about me after having apologized is what prompted the "Seriously?" [/quote] The fact the you apologized doesn't change the fact that you kinda spazzed out. Besides the point wasn't really about you, it was about not taking criticism too seriously. And to be honest apologizing for an act doesn't mean it didn't happen and it doesn't mean people aren't going to talk about it. If the intent behind saying sorry was to get Lug to forget about it then the apology likely wasn't sincere and to be perfectly plain wasn't worth the effort. This happened and if it is applicable to a situation we are going to bring it up again. And also the fact that you kept a picture of the apology says a lot more than the apology itself.