I will be honest, [u][b]I am completely aware of what went on because I followed through the [i]entire[/i] roleplay since its beginning as a mere observer[/b][/u]. There was no need to actually point out what Stella did, but I pretended to ignore it to not make things awkward by saying "yes, I know what happened". There are things I cannot remember, but the particular incident was something I did not forget at all. I'd be a fool if I lied. While Lugubrious's description of Stella is, indeed, honest and true, I personally think there could have been a way to word it better. There is "assertive communication," which is a form of communication easily known as the "I" message. Assertive communication, by definition, is a positive form of communication that could be used to explain things without looking as if one were blaming another. Then there is "aggressive communication," which is a form of communication known as the "You" message. Aggressive communication is different from Assertive communication. Whereas Assertive Communication does not actually feel like someone is pointing thousands of fingers at someone else, Aggressive Communication is exactly that, and is often done unintentionally moreso than intentional reasons. The way Lugubrious described the example did have a tinge of "aggressive communication," which is more than enough to light a fuse to certain people. Unfortunately, it cannot be fixed instantly. Time and talking are medicines that can sedate any remaining bitterness into an understanding between two people. [b](Aggressive communication mostly only works between those who know each other very well, which is very, very hard to achieve on the Internet)[/b] I'm not saying I'm right or what I'm saying really is the case; I'm just saying that when a conflict occurs, there is always some kind of fault on both sides in the conflict, regardless of how different the sizes of the faults of both individual sides are. If an apology is not enough, perhaps a talk would be better rather than sharing another possible apology that could not stop the people's resent. I will never be able to sedate any feelings of sorrow, and neither will any of you. I personally recommend the two of you ([@Lugubrious] and [@Stella]) to have a less hostile talk. I'm sorry if I'm trying to sound like a smartass, a bossy bitch, a retarded parrot babbling about useless information, or a person with shitty opinions, but I simply hope that more people could come to understandings. [s]My English sucks I'm sorry for typing weirdly. :([/s] EDIT: Now that I think about it, I did send you a PM about my particular situation, Lugu. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.