Helen didn’t like the man's nonchalant attitude of the scene’s rather thick atmosphere. His words were too calm and ignorant of the anxiety in the scene that it made her hair stand on end, her eyes studying him for a sense of tension which wasn’t there. Unlike his men, he seemed unaware of the many dart like eyes setting in his direction while he continued to talk. Inside her head she was urging for information from Ignis. The spirit had floated to the bar back and crept behind the child likely by now, part of hoping he had the sense enough not to scare them. Then again this was Ignis she was talking about and the heat spirit loved his pranks. Her thoughts were pulled back to the blonde man when he subtle threatened Adonai. Her eyes flickered with anger, the only acknowledgment to his warning causing her to grit her teeth together. The green irises flashed and almost glowed in fury. The doctor was highly pissed that someone would dare to hint ill-harm, no matter how subtle, to her husband. She was about to answer when sudden a high, sharp yelp gave the twins away. Immediately her figure stiffen when the man gave her smile, commenting on finding them, then rose upright. His three men jerked upright alongside him with their already drawn weapons only to be surrounded by over half the patrons’ pulling out theirs. Clearly these strangers weren’t welcomed. Yet the seemed not to bother the man, his foot took a step toward the bar. It took more time then Helen had considered while two of her spirits, Nahor, the steam horse, and Sira were summoned forth. The steam horse spirit gave an ear splitting whinny while the cat darted to the bar. -Bang- [color=Pink][i]Eli, you stupid-[/i][/color] The thought died within Helen’s skull when she spotted the boy. Her eyes jerked to see the discharged weapon letting off steam from the muzzle, both twins on the counter, and the boy glaring. Smoke rose from the man's outfit where he was shot while he brushed off the bullet that clearly hit him. His eyes filled with mirth while he hissed his reply, again moving forward. In moments the scene erupted into an more unpleasant one while Alan confronted the man with Seru’s flame magic, causing the man to summon his own spirit, questioning the boy’s bravery. Some sort of ice being stood behind him and just within reach of Helen, making her even more uncomfortable. Nahor snorted and caught her flicker of a plan. [color=Pink][i]Ignis, aid Alan and Seru. Use your best judgement, but make sure Alan and his friend aren’t hurt. Nahor nail the summoner with your hooves, keep him away. Sira flash the bastard, get to the children and do whatever you can to get them to follow you. I’m right behind. [/i][/color] After the Inquisitor finished his threat, his mask on, Helen whispered. [color=pink]“Sira, Nahor, Ignis.”[/color] Three things happened as the spirits reacted in the order she whispered. Sira skirted toward the bar, his coat illuminated then popped off with a flash at the man and his spirit. Possibly blinding both. His body, followed quickly by Helen skirting around the man just within reach, rushed to the children. Immediately, faster if the man made a grab for Helen, Nahor rushed toward the man’s back. His hooves flared up in a rearing position and came down where the man was currently. More to separate the man from Helen and the children rather than to harm, Nahor snorted in wrath then reared to attack again. When Helen reached the children, her hands wrapped around the black bag where her gun and medical supplies were kept. The Serpentine that been injured was ready being tended to by his buddies, one being decent in patching, as they beat a hasty exit. Following their idea and example, Helen shoved the empty rifle to Eli with a blaming glare as she spoke, grabbing the young girl’s hand. [color=pink]“This way and stick close!”[/color] She made sure to avoid the 'bot', who was sitting near Eli and Kuro earlier, while she took the bar's back exit. Already the spirit was getting into the fight, her nerves unsettled farther. She focused on the children's safety and tried to lead them out.