Abi noticed that Tristan was most definitely not clothed so she went over to a window to store nearby and broke the window grabbing a pair of guys athletic shorts. It was awkward and hard to do since Abi wasn't looking but she got the shorts on the boy before picking him up and taking him to her apartment. She set him in the bath tub and hosed him down until he was rinsed of the much. Then she used a blow dryer to blow dry his shorts and legs then she dried his chest before laying him on her couch. Abi then changed into normal clothes and thought of the excuse as to why 'Lydia' would help him. She had one thought of while she made herself some coffee and waited for him to wake up. A mistake she made was not shutting the secret door to her two costumes so if he decided to be investigative when he woke up and search through some of her stuff he'd not only find out she was the Luna but that she was Rad Girl and was truthfully alive.