[ This is something. ] -- It's incomplete. But here's a little preview. Character Name: Jaque Norman. Goes by 'Ned' under public records. Criminal?: Yes. Convicted For: Ned's conviction is nothing too overcomplicated. It's the simplicity of bread-stealing, money-jacking and house-robbing that got him where he is now. He thinks it's not much threatening to take other people's belongings, but it's that type of kleptomaniac talk that gave him a free pass with the rest of the throw-in 'cargo.' Species: Human. Gender: Male. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Age: Doesn't actually know his birthday. He's been telling people he's 24 for the past seven years now. Appearance: [ No image. I'll try to give an understandable description. ] Ned is young. Yes, in the sense that he looks to be experiencing adolescence just now. If it weren't for his ridiculous height, people would likely take him to be a juvenile lass. His eyes are lengthy and sweet, but his pupils are a daring blue dashed in slight black to make it seem like jewelry. He has rough brows, short, spiky and propped hair that is deemed dark but has a tint of mellow yellow. He is a little tan around some edges, but the most of his exterior is made in muddy white and purplish, soft black. It looks like he's always sick. He is equally sized on all body squares, and he is not even remotely close to obesity. His left hand is slightly fatter than the right, though[mostly unnoticeable. For reasons I'll explain in the following.] [indent]Height: 5'9". Weight: 123lbs. Apparel: -- When in missions; [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/169/f/f/sci_fi_suit_by_geeshin-d69ocl3.jpg[/img] Ned prefers the more outward, mobile suit than the juggernaut-like design. At the expense of some much needed defense, he is provided with enough movement. Though the torso-part is actually plated in silver standard armor that can at least deflect gunfire[from actual gunpowder. Not powered by energy cells. Those break him easily.] His casuals are military overalls with no re-mix to the design. He's been with these for the two years he was initially imprisoned, and finds it very hard to part with them now.(I know, a little odd but what other passion can one have in a place like -this-). [/indent] Weapons: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/036/b/d/Speed_painted_sci_fi_pistol_02_by_torvenius.jpg[/img] The P99 Laser Pistol is a machine pistol, rotating handgun with standard, removable and replaceable energy cells. When the cell deteriorates, it is manually pulled out of the chamber and a change in cells must occur. Machine pistols tend to require shoulder stocks, but the P99 is specially designed to feature a forward handgrip. The P99, in addition, holds respectable firepower in an easily carried package. In-ear personal communications transceiver built into the mission suit's helmet. Allows for low orbit communication of 200 kilometers. The helm also features a tidy target-scope, double sight and a cubed flashlight at the forehead. Equipment: Ned's left arm is a manufacturer's own. It belonged to a stranger before, and after Cybernetic Technology became sleek in size all around the galaxy, some alien advances were made on Ned that shifted the weight of his left hand. From his palm up to his shoulder, it's all been mechanized to showcase nothing but coarse metal and harsh sensitivity to electricity. Though this resulted in a lot more disadvantages than the opposite, it blessed Ned with the physical strength(at least in his left arm) to handle perilous circumstances. Although he is displayed none such in the ship so far, it's in his universal files that he has been subject to technological advancement against will. The arm is fairly well-armored to the point that it can deflect basic gunfire, but to an extent. If shooting is persistent, the skin will shed and the metal will be exposed to damage. Personal Starfighter: None. Skills: [b]Acrobatics[/b]: Ned has expressed a length of potential when it came to parkour and other levels of high-speed movement. His legs are impressively strong, he has a little bit of muscle in his arms(especially the left) that promote an idea of his strength. It is his elaborate body detail that is actually eye-catching and sublime. He knows little about combat though, and that is the inexperience he has shown. He can leap mediocre spaces and balance out his weight to do frantic changes in momentum. Weaknesses: Ned is arrogant. He always has a cocky smirk somewhere in his face-- either showing in the tip of his eyes or the rim of his lips. It's disturbing to say the least. It's a certain ego that differentiates him from narcissism, though. Powers: None. Personality: Ned is passionate and, as stated above, excessively egotistical. He is philosophical and proud. Gratified and non-appreciative. Although his is courageous, it is to no end if you hold no ambition for nothing but being the best at what you do. Ned considers himself prodigious and one of a kind, though he is rough and ruthless, it could be because his repletion and conceit does not allow any room for mercy. It's not exactly the coldest of eyes he possesses, but that does not mean he cannot be solemn, stern and formal. He is still excitable and non-pensive, even at the most crucial of times, making him seem a little too fun-loving and amused for such a squadron of unsmiling deviants. "[i]You can't be number one if you aren't odd.[/i]" Biography: