[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bK04luH.jpg[/img] [sub]Jorman in ceremonial Navy dress after the Gainax Pacification.[/sub] [h1]Jorman Pask[/h1][/center] [b]Criminal:[/b] Yes [b]Convicted For:[/b] First-degree murder, illegal possession of firearms and explosives, and terrorism. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Bisexual [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] 212 lbs [b]Apparel:[/b] On missions, we wears a plated combat pilot's void suit, equivalent to an unpowered light armor specification and fully sealed, equipped with interface nodes that allow him to synchronize with his strike craft's artificial intelligence and other software. Otherwise, he is often seen packing military-issue clothing: baggy camouflaged pants, a generic white shirt, and combat boots. He still keeps his ceremonial Navy dress in his personal trunk, though it is of little use. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]FMP-45:[/i] Short, stocky and relatively inaccurate at long range, this weapon fires .45-caliber chemically-propelled slugs at seven hundred rounds per minute, and is fed by a stick magazine containing thirty slugs each. Easily cared for and features a fire mode selection. [i]M9 Combat Knife[/i]: Standard, marine-issue 9-inch blade, great at close-quarters fighting, impromptu shaving, or unexpected vegetables. [b]Equipment:[/b] During his time in the Navy, Jorman was offered several times to have cybernetic augments grafted into his body. At first hesitant due to his ideological convictions, he has allowed an in-ear communications device and an inconspicuous, multi-purpose, military-grade ocular implant that grants him a useful heads-up display with software tailored specifically to piloting craft, extra-atmospheric or otherwise. In addition, he has got an emergency kit containing meager provisions, a flare gun, some medicine, and a wireless communicator. [b]Personal Starfighter:[/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WLq1dV3.png[/img] [sub]Pask leading 2nd Section, Wing A, 3rd Squadron during the Gainax Pacification.[/sub][/center] [i]MDC-50N Attack Craft[/i]: A general-purpose combat craft capable of operating in both void and atmospheric conditions. An expression of human industry, bluntness and power, it is boxy and quite heavy with an empty weight of ten tons. However, its appearance is deceptive, for it is surprisingly maneuverable. A slightly outdated design native to Mars' technocrats and having seen extensive use by mankind, particularly by the infamous mercenary company "The Lost and the Damned," this is the war machine Jorman has the most experience with. Its armaments are: [list] [*]Twin-linked 40mm autocannons encased in a rotating nose turret slaved to Jorman's sight, firing 280 rpm with 340 shells per cannon. [*]Two fore wing-mounted 16-barrel pods firing unguided 57mm rockets. [*]Two hind wingtip-mounted anti-armor lascannons with limited vertical and horizontal traverse slaved to Jorman's sight; 8 beams per cannon at 3 beams per minute. [/list] It has eight hardpoints, with two on the fore wings and six on the hind wings, which can all be equipped with: [list] [*]Anti-air-or-voidcraft missiles with guidance systems ranging from infrared, to radar, to wireless AI control. [*]Anti-tank missiles with guidance systems ranging from infrared, to radar, to wireless AI control. [*]250 to 2,000 kilogram bombs, smart or dumb, napalm or high-explosive and other variants. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]With Wings of Gold:[/b] Pask is a veteran combat pilot with nearly two decades of experience and twenty-six aerial victories to his name. Specializing in small, agile strike craft to wrestle air or void superiority from the foe or for delivering quick, precise close support to ground troops, there are relatively few who can match this old salt's skill under the stars. [*][b]The Demoman Next Door:[/b] Pask has dabbled in amateur explosives-making and has used his creations successfully against rather important members of one of the lesser races to blight the galaxy of their existence. Though his products are crude, and he doesn't find the need to practice them in Oblivion Squad since they are supplied well, they work well enough. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][b]Illuminati Imperpetuis:[/b] Pask is a strong speciesist and an advocate of human supremacy. The races that stray from the sacred humanoid form are disgusting to his eyes, and the races that don't hold fast to weak, naive ideologues, relishing in their pretentious and wholly superficial cultures. God made Man in His image; can xenos say the same? [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] None. [b]Personality:[/b] Solemness and seriousness are the defining features of Pask's personality. He doesn't like to joke around much, and when he does, the humor is often black. He is quick to note trespasses against him, and he has a vengefulness that translates to mercilessness on the battlefield, especially against non-human foes. Formal and rigid, he prefers to be called by his last name. He is a reader of philosophy and history. While not subscribing to any religion, he believes in a higher, if uncaring, power that looks down upon all and decides if their luck has run out: a brand of fatalism adopted during his time in uniformed service. His political convictions are startlingly towards the right, and he is taken to human supremacy. His favorite motto regarding the human race is "Our flaws make us perfect." And he is not quick to forgive trespasses against his fellow humans. [b]Biography:[/b] Born to Jon and Gertrud Pask on the terraformed surface of Mars, Jorman was quickly bereft of his parents and was taken in by his uncle and his family as a toddler. Displaying a relatively solemn attitude as a child and quick to hold and retain grudges, he is described as quite moody whilst growing up in his foster household. Graduating through primary and secondary school without much hassle, it was in college where he was offered and accepted a place in the Martian Civil Aeronautics Authority's Civilian Pilot Training Program. Normally lacking interest in anything, Pask found himself taken by the magic of flight. Tutored with fifteen other youths under a discharged officer from the Navy, he took a liking to the military-style instruction and proved somewhat of a natural with both the practical and academic aspects of learning how to fly. Managing to complete the side-course, he returned to his non-aviation related studies with a particular ennui, and upon completing those, decided to join the Earth Systems Alliance Navy. Passing the pre-training checks to discern whether he warranted spending thousands of taxpayers' credits in order to turn him into a weapon, he managed well enough through elimination training and went through the other side as a proper aviation cadet. After two years followed with more dreary academic courses and a large flight time quota to complete, he attained the rank of ensign and found a place amongst the MDC-50N's in the light carrier [i]ESN Enterprise[/i]. He partook in a great many peacekeeping operations, coming into contact with dissident groups of the myriad alien races that populated the galaxy beside mankind. Flying overhead in formation with his squadron above potential rebels to the xenos' respective governments in order to quell thoughts of unrest, there were a few times when he found himself engaged in actual dogfights against terror or secessionist groups, or even pirates that one time. Despite this, most of his duties were relatively peaceful and did not require involvement from his autocannons overmuch, and he wasn't particularly hostile to xenos. That is, until the Gainax Pacification, at which point he had been serving for nearly two decades, and had become a Navy lieutenant: equivalent to an army captain, and leading his own squadron. Gainax was a planet far-flung from its alien inhabitants' homeworld of Krork. The [i]Enterprise[/i] was tasked along with other forces in a multi-species repression operation. The dissidents' cries were something about egalitarianism and freedom from oppression, but Pask did not find it too interesting to do further research into their ideological convictions. He was, however, admirable in his own participation in gathering battlefield intelligence, volunteering his squadron for reconnaissance roles. And when the peaceful protests became a full-fledged armed revolution, his unit was amongst the first to be deployed planetside. He accounted well for himself, downing three XV-33 Air Superiority Fighters and destroying a column's worth of armored vehicles with his lascannons before being shot down by flak batteries. Flying at low altitude at the time, he only barely managed a crash landing and ended up with several broken bones and deep cuts despite the rugged construction of the MDC-50N and his own armored suit. Through the polarized surface of the armourcrys canopy, he saw a disgusting amalgamation of xenos limbs shuffling towards his craft before blacking out. He had expected his captors to treat him with honor, but apparently to the rebels he was part of the problem, a merciless pawn of a supra-national, supra-racial system that aimed to repress and steal from the proletariat for the benefit of the few. Thusly, they tortured him, resulting in grotesque scars that now run in deep lines and grooves all over his body, and mar his face. Rescued after two weeks of this by a human strike team, his perception of aliens, once merely cold, was now frozen with hatred, and he decided upon this conviction even while barely conscious as they put him in the shuttle. The Navy provided for his medical care ably but declared him incapable due to war wounds. Much to his dismay, he was honorably discharged, and joined a returning Systems Alliance frigate to the shipyards of Mars. Taking a shuttle planetside, his foster family did not recognize him at first, even with his many visits, due to his scars. His cousin's son spent an hour crying, since he was the one who opened the door, only to be shadowed by the hulking, scarred brute that was Jorman Pask. He found the return to civilian life to be bewildering, experiencing a sort of culture shock shared by veterans such as him. The spartan conditions aboard the [i]Enterprise[/i] were replaced with overwhelming profligacy. Regardless, he was thankful to be away from hateful aliens, and found a job as a foreman in his cousin's plasteel processing plant in addition to repairing his relations with the man's son through telling war stories. Meanwhile, he was unknowingly radicalizing himself beyond his own nasty experiences with aliens by taking in the didactic writings of human supremacy groups online, and when he read an article bringing news to a future visit by high-profile alien celebrities on Mars in order to "foster better relations between our two races," he snapped. He learned quickly to make explosives of his own using materials gotten from his cousin's factory. It wasn't hard to find a bomb-making guide if you knew the Extranet well enough. Perhaps he was fully indoctrinated by the military life as he thought of nothing when he confidently climbed over the barriers, shoved his way past security, and ended a couple of xenos lives with crude grenades and a personal handgun before being taken down, not resisting the Martian police force. His trial was short: he pleaded guilty, saying that he did it to make a point, and attempted to proselytize human supremacy before the judge before being quickly sentenced to life in prison. And as he was escorted, cuffs around his wrists, he was approached by a suspicious man in a sharp suit. He was offered a place in a suicide squad, and Pask, already regretful at his impulsiveness, found the thing a better alternative to life in prison. He accepted.