[color=00746b]Name/Titles -[/color] Pannax [color=00746b]Sex/Gender -[/color] Male [color=00746b]Pantheon/Affiliation -[/color] Deity [color=00746b]Patronage -[/color] The Underworld [color=00746b]Appearance -[/color] It is difficult for Pannax to leave the underworld. As such he rarely speaks to others face to face, and instead opts to summon his [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/149/a/6/mtg_agent_of_erebos_by_cvdh_by_tegehel-d7k7zza.jpg]Seer[/url] to the human world in his place. This servant of Pannax speaks directly for the God as the two are linked in both body and mind. There are occasions in which Pannax must manifest himself, generally in order to manage serious matters. His preferred [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b7/2f/c3/b72fc30a7f7ea299a161256bfa2c41ab.jpg]form[/url] in this case is not dissimilar from his [url=http://227rsi2stdr53e3wto2skssd7xe.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/erebos-progress.jpg]true appearance[/url], however his face is absent as he believes others are not worthy to look upon him. [color=00746b]Parentage - WIP[/color] (You can say things like "the sky" with a straight face here. Joy. Joy too. You can come sprung fully grown out of dad's skull. You can be descended of a goose and your mom, who clearly didn't have high standards.) [color=00746b]Centers of Worship/Places of Power - WIP[/color] (Example: Athens and Athena, the Oracle of Delphi and Apollo, Achilles, descended of a river nymph...so on and so forth. A deity may be a patron of a city or a kingdom, but I am going to say that deities cannot control the free will of mortals, that's what makes them so irritating, and thus while able to influence events in these places, they will not have absolute power over them. There is a give and take between such worshipers and their deities, too, as the patron is expected to do things for their patronage.) [color=00746b]Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base - WIP[/color] (I'm looking for an idea of what sort of people follow your deity and an idea of what sort of spirits/beings might be their servants, through which they make their wills be known. Prominent worshipers would mean prophets, kings and otherwise important mortals that are loyal to your deity. This can, of course, include playwrights, poets, singers and so forth...be creative. Worship base are the normal everyday people of various trades, tribes, nationalities and so forth who might find your god to be their patron/matron.) [color=00746b]Psychology -[/color] Pannax is the god of the underworld, this is a huge responsibility and power and his psychology reflects as much. He is an egotistical deity who believes he is both essential and respected among the Pantheon. His arrogance has gotten to the rather ironic level that Pannax does not boast of his power, it is readily assumed. He finds it confusing when others do not see him in such a light and equally assumes that anyone who does not believe him to be the mightiest of the gods is ignorant of such matters. His visage is obviously quite bleak and frightening, considering the domain he lords over. But Pannax is fair and he listens to what people have to say, he has such a vibrant collection of souls he finds each and every one has something worthy of learning. So he can be quite the reasonable person unless he is angered, as do many gods Pannax has a very cruel streak. When someone questions his prominence, power or any such act of hubris towards him he can become a very sour and violent deity. [color=00746b]History - WIP[/color] (An explanation of from whence the deity came and what befell them in various events. It's not a bad idea to cooperate with other players on this and expand as you see fit.) [color=00746b]Relationships - WIP[/color] (Loves, hates, lusts, crushes, affairs, rapes, incests, zoophilia incidents with shepherd girls (always a Jovian favorite) and the like. Oh, and mere alliances and rivalries, as well. Probably fueled by the above. You don't have to list every character, just the ones your character actually has ties to/strong feelings for.)