37. Evelynn, ever the bitch, busted open the door and told Damian and Summer that it was time for supper. "Damn, and I was just about to give you a bath, Ember. Guess you got lucky this time. Now I guess I gotta wake Summer up." Damien patted Ember on the head before walking over to Summer's bedroom door and lightly knocking, "Hey Summer, I think you went to bed a bit early. Apparently Supper is ready." There was no response for a bit, so Damien knocked a little louder and was rewarded by a half asleep Summer answering the door in her nightgown. "Hmmm? I'm sorry... what were you saying?" she asked as she stretched a bit and yawned before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Hmm, well." He started after seeing her in night clothes. "You might want to get some better clothes on, 'cause supper is ready." After that, Damien simply turned around and left her to her own devices. "Sorry buddy," he said to Ember, "you're gonna have to stay here. I'll sneak you up something good though. Ember walked over to Damien's room with his tail down and scratched on the door to be let in. Damien did as was asked, but didn't bother checking his own room and instead headed downstairs. Summer quickly changed into a white sun dress and chased after Damien, "Hey! Wait up! Can I walk with you? And I'm sure Ember can come with us... our animal Companions are just as much a part of the group as we are. Isn't that right Merlin?" The hawk perched on Summer's shoulder let out a screech of agreement, "See?" Damien came in close so as to keep Ember from hearing, "No, it's that Ember might try to eat all the food on first sight. Don't know about you, but the sight of a dog all over the tables eating everything and making a mess MIGHT not be the best of ideas." He then resumed his posture like nothing was said and gingerly walked down the stairs. Summer followed quickly behind, and the couple soon found themselves standing outside of the towers, waiting for everyone else with Aegar and Evelynn. "Hey Aegar, nice to finally meet ya, and Vampire Witch? You might want to work on your manners if you wanna be a better host."