Doc Silver walks back into the room to check on Viola and sees the injured man then turns to Yuri with a accusatory glance. [B] He one of yours Yuri because if he is then you owe me[/B] says the annoyed woman [B]Doc I don't know him but you gotta help[/B] answers Yuri [B] Not a dam free clinic ya know, I have overhead, medicines, staff, bribes an what nots and no one gives a dam[/B] grumbles Doc Silver as she drops down beside Aki She holds out a hand and Yuri briefly pause then sighs as she hands the Doc a saline bottle to rinse the wound with. [B]I'm a cybernetics specialist not a trauma specialist, this is what they're for; Goddess I hate blades. They're so dam hard to close, grab him people.[/B] she says as she pulls a cauterizer out of her lab coat. [B]Doc shouldn't you give him something for pain first?[/B] says Yuri [B]You paying?[/B] she asks