"Shu, you've got to stop bouncing around while you eat or you're going to choke, squirt," Takeshi warned, rolling his eyes with an amused smile. This was an almost unhealthy love with fruit, borderline fruit obsession. Was that a thing? If it wasn't then it probably was now thanks to Shu. How were they supposed to get fruit with their traveling around in space all the time? He supposed maybe if they stopped by another planet it would work, though they had no clue what worlds may and may not have some fruit on them. Looking over at his little brother Takeshi smiled exasperatedly, unable to refuse what he wanted. "Fine, we'll get fruit. But I don't know how much, so don't expect loads and loads." Well then, maybe now he could get to eating too, he was quite hungry. Lifting up one of the steaks and moving to take a bite he paused once more when Shu started again, glancing over and frowning. "Grow a fruit tree...? I don't know where we would even do that, we're kind of in space?" Takeshi said, tilting his head curiously, "Except we did kind of talk about growing trees in the ship, didn't we? So maybe it would work. I don't know, ask Vegeta when we see him. He's good at that science stuff, you know?" Eslaria wasn't intentionally trying to keep T'charrl from eating but she was really curious about what he had seen. Her son was the first Kaesstrian to go off planet, maybe the last one for a while too, so his experiences were completely unique to their entire race. If he were to do nothing else with his life she would think he would be okay knowing he had set such a big precedence. Then again maybe not, he was a boy who was always trying to improve somehow so no doubt he'd want to travel more. "I'm sure we can find out what's happened. Between Katas and Renthal we've already got some brilliant people looking into it, and they're bound to come up with something. And... What is Earth...?" Another planet obviously, but not one that she was familiar with, and how could she be? Such a strange word, though she supposed Kaesstra must be odd to some too; perspective changed how everyone saw something after all. Smiling curiously the Queen took another small bite of her meal, again glancing at her son as he spoke. "Fly without wings...? I didn't know such a thing was possible. Did your friends teach you that?" "You can't know that for sure! Okay, so some things didn't go that well, but they can and will get better. I mean... You and Takeshi get along now, right?" Yumi asked hopefully, "When you first met I thought you were going to kill each other, but look at you now! You... Well... You tolerate each other." Maybe that wasn't the best example to use. Both Viral and Takeshi were a little stubborn, though it really was something else that they managed to be somewhat civil with each other. If they were willing to give cooperating a chance then maybe it would work out the way she had mentioned. Failing to lighten the mood any with some casual joking she smiled sympathetically, shaking her head as she looked back at Vegeta briefly. "I don't have those answers honestly, I won't pretend I do, and I doubt Vegeta does either," Yumi answered, turning back to Viral, "But I know Vegeta's dad does, and we'll be seeing him soon. Maybe Vegeta's dad was a madman and we just never knew it, maybe all of his employees are crazy. Until we hear it from the source why you were made though I don't think anyone else can give you that answer. All the more reason for us to stay strong and keep moving though, so we can get to that point and find out."