[quote=@Fillet] [hider][img]http://paintingandframe.com/uploadpic/emerico_toth/big/lady_in_red_27.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Lust Age: 30 Role: Sin/Lust Abilities: Can sense/know the level and type of desire in someone, gradually tap into their well of fantasies; transform into whatever physical body the victim wants and produce vivid illusions/reality of the kind; whisper words of temptation that sound irresistible; every touch is undeniably pleasurable. Personality: Lust has no gender, psychologically or physically, although, depending on what’s in season in the age it’s in, or the type of crowd it’s in, it can take on a stunning male or female form or any kind of creature necessary. It melds into whatever kind of personality the chosen victim most desires; Lust is the most well-liked and sociable even by and among its siblings. Lust is a person only in relation to someone else. There’s no sharply defined and constant personality and as such is more akin to Sloth in essence despite appearing more like its other siblings. It is cultured and knowledgeable only to the degree of necessity, to what’s needed to seduce and entrap its victim. Bio: Born out of a frenzy of carnality as old as the first soul, Lust loves the dance of life and the sick, twisted, hellish - exciting, grand, heavenly - pleasures the world has to offer. It has no morals, no judgment, no boundaries. It delights in what the chosen mortal enjoys, it indulges the willing victim by taking them farther than the fringes of their wildest fantasies; it teases wickedly, locking the mortal in a vicious spiral of wanting and having, inching closer and closer to the climax when they scream and beg in tears and sweat for Lust to have their soul. But Lust is never satisfied by the soul(s) it takes, its gratification is always just a hair’s breadth away and never reached, so it’s ever onwards preying for the next life. It has one of, if not the, highest number of souls count. Lust enjoys the game, the more seemingly difficult it is, the more enticed it is to corrupting their soul. [/quote]