[h3]The Battle of Lake Constance[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nYnHyHB.jpg?1[/img] Kaiser Nikolaus Jäger looked upon the frozen expanse of his nation's water source. Looking behind him, a swarm of green chanted "Death to the Fourth Reich! The Confederations will remain supreme!" [quote]Tod dem Vierten Reich. Die Konföderationen wird höchste bleiben![/quote] Yet on the east of the lake, red was the banner of choice. The Führer Jakob Schmidt rallied his men. Lake Constance was nearly the last source of fresh water in all of Groß Deutschland. With the seal of the Confederations, Jäger boldly gave the order: "Attack the insurgent scum! They are no more than dogs claiming to be Germany!" [quote]Angriff der Aufständischen Abschaum! Sie sind nicht mehr als Hunde, die behaupten, von Deutschland zu sein![/quote] A great battle followed. The sounds of rifles filled the air, and the air forces went ahead into dogfights. Divided directly down the middle, no side seemed to gain ground. No trenches could be dug, just slaughter on the ice that would drown them. It was only 30 seconds before the first troop of the Rheinland died. As blood spilled on the ice, the two leaders attempted to make each other out through observation technology. Just when Rheinland was gaining meaningful ground, the Fourth Reich called in an airstrike. The line was exposed, and a sea of crimson marched toward Jäger. It was time for the weapon he had been waiting to unveil. As soon as he gave the signal, 5 elite pilots ran toward the red. All infantry was ordered to immediately retreat. Half of the Fourth Reich army, 500,000 in total, marched within 5 miles of Jäger's camp. He stayed, as a trick, and waved a white flag. They marched faster, but they were too late. A chopper had picked him up, and by now the pilots had laid their trap. All of lake Constance suddenly turned to water for the first time since the apocalypse. Even in the summer, it was frozen over. A few square kilometers went up in flame, but then dispersed just as quickly as they had been laid. Jäger snickered at the sight of the commander's vessel carrying the Führer away.