Shu could behave if he wanted to but right now he was too happy and bouncy to care about choking. He’ll settle down since Takeshi asked him to so then he’ll try and settle, giving him a big smile. “I won’t! I’m just happy to eat”, he squeaked, looking down to his plate, “Do you ever feel so hungry that food is the best thing in the world?” He was rather happy to get food finally so his excitement just needed to be simmered down. Chomping down at his food he did have contemplations to where he might be able to grow some fruit if he wanted some more from somewhere else, giving Takeshi a smile when he completed over growing trees again for the fruit, only saying what they thought of before when it came to the fruit. “Ooh! Take to our home! Grow at our home. Is it something we can do?” Smiling happily he wagged his tail around, just thinking of what kind of mini-forest they could make at home. “Remember we were already going to ask Mister Vegeta for on the ship too? I do like science when it means more fruit! Not bad fruit though, when it all not nice to eat…that’s bad fruit!” T’charrl really did enjoy his time off the planet and travelling across the universe, but he did come across the issue of feeling a little bit foreign to his own planet now. He didn’t like feeling like this but he was sure it was only going to be temporary, especially when it was probably just because he had ‘space legs’ or whatever it was. He was sure he was full of energy if it wasn’t for his inability to ground himself to access it. Smiling at his mother as she expressed interest he gave a little nod. “Yeah! Earth. It’s full of people like my friends, but they’re not Saiyans or anything”, he spoke, scratching his cheek a little, “It was warm like our planet, but it had some weird white stuff on the planet when I saw it from space. Kind of like this weird cold planet I saw too. I wasn’t allowed to go on it because it was too cold for me”. He certainly thought his time on Earth was more fulfilling because he learned something new, especially when the other planets wasn’t the most habitable for him. “They did…or uhh, well, rather their Master. We went to see him and he taught me how to use it. Apparently, everyone can use it…but it was very hard and I’m still learning. Isn’t it neat? I can use it okay, but not as good as the others yet. I-I don’t know if it’s something people here should learn, though…it can be dangerous”. Viral was feeling fairly confused over his entire existence at this point, but he didn’t know if this was simply him starting to accept what was happening to him. Even though he saw death as not that far away he still didn’t want to die a dishonourable death. He needed answers and he wasn’t finding any, not yet. He needed to find them but he wasn’t managing to get to a conclusion and was only ending up with an existential crisis. “Korian isn’t Takeshi. He knows his science and know how my kind don’t tend to have ‘morals’…and I can’t deny that. Korian is smarter than Takeshi and knows better”. It was just going to be a fact that finding something for him to do was going to be something he would have to face with discrimination wherever he went. Being an artificial creature meant you were expendable and didn’t add anything other than temporary usefulness as intended. It was always going to be that way and there was no way of changing it. To think that Vegeta’s parents had the same idea in mind and were probably surprised to see him still alive when they peered through the portal was not that much of a longshot. Staring at Yumi as she tried to answer to the best of her ability she only expressed her own doubt over his words, frowning for a moment before looking back at the energy. “I would have to live that long and I don’t know how to accomplish that. Only Vegeta knows but I never see his work being accomplished. I can only remain strong for as long as this condition allows of me. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me in the future and neither does he”.