[quote=@The New Yorker] [quote=@Eru Iluvatar] I was just thinking, after reading some of the Character Applications (that are all good), I noticed that a few important characters have been introduced in reference or in context. For example, in Dedonus' alone, Iceman is moved from team to team and given a backstory - and also characters such as Tony Stark and Reed Richards are mentioned. But, as stated for this RP, we can redesign the mainstream characters - and The New Yorker has already done that by changing Matt Murdock's name - so what if someone comes in with an application for Tony Stark, yet naming him Tony Burns or whatever? Is this impossible now due to the continuity we are constantly creating with every reference? Also, if people want to apply as characters already introduced, will they have to follow the existing continuity explicitly? I took and am still taking measures to avoid naming any other Inhumans, I've been saying 'the ruling Inhumans' instead of Black Bolt and Medusa, so wouldn't it be better if others did that also? And finally, with super-intelligent people like Reed Richards and Hank Pym being mentioned, wouldn't it be strange if - when we get to cross-character events that would affect the world in general - these people who are not being controlled don't show up, whereas logic would suggest they would? Sorry if this causes any problems or confusion, but it's just a thought I got. [/quote] You bring up good points. As I see it, the currently players should take advantage of the world they're playing in, using characters that they deem fit in as loose (thematic ambiguity), and yet consistent (use of characterization and personality) a manner as possible. In the instances where someone comes in to fill those roles, they would have to fill in the shoes you've left behind. It's impossible to strike a perfect balance between incoming players and current players, which is why I feel it best if we lean toward the current players, those who are most readily effected by the rules. Incoming players will just have to deal with the fact that Wolverine's later life story is settled, and that Tony Stark is indeed a playboy entrepreneur, and Trask is a corrupted snake. All this being said, the GM get's final say on stuff like that. [/quote] For characters that have not been picked up yet, I would err on the side of keeping them vague so that others can pick them up. I'm fine with Kal-El's application because it still allows a player to take liberties with the character. Yes, they have to adopt Jimmpy into their character background, but they have free-reign with everything else. This "rule" is really to protect the popular characters (like Iron Man). If its a minor character, you can take more liberties if you are using them as an NPC.