"Is that a real question? I'm always that hungry when we eat Shu," Takeshi retorted with a grin, "But that doesn't mean eat like some crazy person, you know? We're not monkeys, even if you do have a tail, so we've got to eat like people." Especially with a rather judgmental and vicious Queen sitting at the head of the table, otherwise he may not be such a stickler for table manners. For the time being they were fine, as Eslaria and T'charrl were busy talking with one another, but he wasn't going to bet on his luck holding out for much longer. The question of growing fruit threw Takeshi through a bit of a loop, having totally forgotten up until now he'd mentioned something about doing that at his house. Gods know they had all the land they would need, and growing plants wasn't exactly difficult; having a diet that mostly subsisted of meat left little reason or want to set up a little garden, but with Shu around now it made sense. "We can grow fruit at home, sure. But that means you've got to help take care of the plants and all that, got it? There's a lot that goes into growing food... I think. Since you want it though you're going to have to help a ton, deal? And yeah, we'll talk to Vegeta later about that." With all else going on at the moment Takeshi didn't have high hopes for getting their indoor forest plan going, but it was worth at least bringing up for Shu's sake. "Earth, hm? Sounds interesting... I can't say I'm a fan of there not being many trees though." Trees were important to Kaesstrian way of life, from building their homes and places of business to providing a wide variety of food. Even in the Upper City there were a lot of trees, and she was certain other kingdoms were no different. Diets varied from place to place, but overall their race of people ate pretty much the same thing throughout. The mention of 'white stuff' really confused Eslaria, as did the notion of it being too cold to go out. Sure it could get a little chilly on Kaesstra, but never to the degree where you were stuck indoors. Nor was it ever so cold that this 'white stuff' appeared, she wondered what that was. It all sounded terribly interesting if not a bit off putting as well, and if she were to get the chance some time to experience it herself she'd like to. Hearing too that T'charrl had learned this new energy from Earth and that its people could use it had her slightly concerned, not knowing if it was safe for her son to be going there. He was a strong warrior of course, even stronger than her or Yusef now with his powers, but that didn't mean she didn't worry. "I think it's best we keep that from the others for now, until they're ready," Eslaria said with a frown, glancing down at her food, "Garesh was proof enough our people can't handle immense energy just yet. You're a special case and I'm sure you're fine, but I think most people would go the way of the General." It was a bit unfair to say people couldn't change or ever get along. Korian and Viral weren't exactly friends right now, and sure they had some problems before but that didn't mean things couldn't change. There had been plenty of people throughout history who had started as enemies and ended up as friends, and in a small way that had happened in their own group. Hell, she had dated one such person, that was a huge example of it. Even so Viral did raise fair points, and considering the track record he had every right to be wary of the rebel's leader. "Okay... But what do you mean your kind? There's not exactly a lot of Beastmen walking around, it's really just us. He doesn't hate me I don't think, and I think he doesn't hate you either," Yumi said, "If you don't like him thinking that then let's prove him wrong. Remember, I'm in the same boat as you now, and I'm not letting anyone think I'm just some thing and neither should you." Was she a Beastman, or just a human with a few extra tidbits? Yumi couldn't say, but she was as close to Viral both literally and figuratively as anyone else. The time where she had met the rebels wasn't exactly all that wonderful either, and she was sure that some of them must not be a fan of her because of it. "He said his work was close to being done, so we shouldn't have to wait much longer. And okay, no one knows what the future is going to bring, but you're going to be in it. We'll keep you going even when you don't feel like you can, because we know things will improve. Maybe you don't, but that just means we've got to help lead the way until you do."