WIP Real Name: Nanaue Code name: King Shark Prison Inmate #: 21415 Appearance: [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/78486/3004561-5303478732-tumbl.png[/img] History: (reinvent their history.) Powers/Abilities: Unique Physiology: Nananue's amphibious physiology is rumored to come from a variety of sources. Nananue himself insists that his father is the "Shark God". Others state that he is a "Wild Man", a race of humanoid animals. Government officials state that he is nothing more than a "savage mutation" of a genetic experiment gone wrong. Amphibious Nature: King Shark can survive indefinitely under water and for long periods of time on land. Claws: Super-strong claws. Fangs: Super-strong teeth. Superhuman Strength: Monstrous strength, the exact limits of which have never been measured. Superhuman Stamina: King Shark, when driven to a frenzy (such as when there is blood in the water), is nearly unstoppable He can also regenerate.