"Guess I'm up" said the young boy under his breathe. His brown hair swooped over his left eye and flopped on his forehead as he walked over to the podium. "Hi there! I'm Slick Sloth Zairos the third. I got eighty seven percent on my written exams and eighty five on my practical. I am a pyromancer and learning arcane magic. I got rank One, four,four. So if any of you guys wanna get to the school council position, you're going up against me!" Slick turned round and went back to his seat. He let his mind wander, assessing everyone who came up to the podium to introduce themselves to their classmates. Slick had done this ten years prior, but the only ones who knew where those who were there that original day, no one should have known, he was the one who destroyed the island that day.