Outside of town, in a camp that didn't belong to the little Nem, there was a boar roasting on a fire. Though the tent definitely didn't belong to the shaggy-haired girl--the size gave it away--and the supplies definitely hadn't followed her down from the North, the prepared-and-cooking body did, though it was by far stranger than if the other things lying around had. For a start, it was twice as long as she was tall, before even considering the weight of it... Teri had been having a fun day exploring the local woodland, when she'd somehow managed to annoy the tusked behemoth, barely avoiding being horribly gored by the surprise attack and not recovering until stumbling upon someone else's belongings. The fight proper had started, and finished, there and the Nem had decided that since the owner wasn't around, they were going to use the ash-covered spot they'd clearly had a fire in to cook her dinner. It was unlikely that the Paladin that owned the stuff would be pleased with the tiny interloper.