[quote=@SillyGoy] [b][i]Pask here is still a work in progress, but I'm too tired to continue writing for the time being. I would like the GM particularly to take a look at the Starfighter section, since I took a few liberties and added a bit to the universe's lore. I'll finish Pask after I get some sleep.[/i][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bK04luH.jpg[/img] [sub]Jorman in ceremonial Navy dress.[/sub] [h1]Jorman Pask[/h1][/center] [b]Criminal:[/b] Yes [b]Convicted For:[/b] First-degree murder, illegal possession of firearms and explosives, and terrorism. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Bisexual [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] 212 lbs [b]Apparel:[/b] On missions, we wears a plated combat pilot's void suit, equivalent to an unpowered light armor specification and fully sealed, equipped with interface nodes that allow him to synchronize with his strike craft's artificial intelligence and other software. Otherwise, he is often seen packing military-issue clothing: baggy camouflaged pants, a generic white shirt, and combat boots. He still keeps his ceremonial Navy dress in his personal trunk, though it is of little use. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]FMP-45:[/i] Short, stocky and relatively inaccurate at long range, this weapon fires .45-caliber chemically-propelled slugs at seven hundred rounds per minute, and is fed by a stick magazine containing thirty slugs each. Easily cared for and features a fire mode selection. [i]M9 Combat Knife[/i]: Standard, marine-issue 9-inch blade, great at close-quarters fighting, impromptu shaving, or unexpected vegetables. [b]Equipment:[/b] During his time in the Navy, Jorman was offered several times to have cybernetic augments grafted into his body. At first hesitant due to his ideological convictions, he has allowed an in-ear communications device and an inconspicuous, multi-purpose, military-grade ocular implant that grants him a useful heads-up display with software tailored specifically to piloting craft, extra-atmospheric or otherwise. In addition, he has got an emergency kit containing meager provisions, a flare gun, some medicine, and a wireless communicator. [b]Personal Starfighter:[/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WLq1dV3.png[/img] [sub]Pask leading 2nd Section, Wing A, 3rd Squadron during the Gainax Pacification.[/sub][/center] [i]MDC-50N Attack Craft[/i]: A general-purpose combat craft capable of operating in both void and atmospheric conditions. An expression of human industry, bluntness and power, it is boxy and quite heavy with an empty weight of ten tons. However, its appearance is deceptive, for it is surprisingly maneuverable. A slightly outdated design native to Mars' technocrats and having seen extensive use by mankind, particularly by the infamous mercenary company "The Lost and the Damned," this is the war machine Jorman has the most experience with. Its armaments are: [list] [*]Twin-linked 40mm autocannons encased in a rotating nose turret slaved to Jorman's sight, firing 280 rpm with 340 shells per cannon. [*]Two fore wing-mounted 16-barrel pods firing unguided 57mm rockets. [*]Two hind wingtip-mounted anti-armor lascannons with limited vertical and horizontal traverse slaved to Jorman's sight; 8 beams per cannon at 3 beams per minute. [/list] It has eight hardpoints, with two on the fore wings and six on the hind wings, which can all be equipped with: [list] [*]Anti-air-or-voidcraft missiles with guidance systems ranging from infrared, to radar, to wireless AI control. [*]Anti-tank missiles with guidance systems ranging from infrared, to radar, to wireless AI control. [*]250 to 2,000 kilogram bombs, smart or dumb, napalm or high-explosive and other variants. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]With Wings of Gold:[/b] Pask is a veteran combat pilot with nearly two decades of experience and twenty-six aerial victories to his name. Specializing in small, agile strike craft to wrestle air or void superiority from the foe or for delivering quick, precise close support to ground troops, there are relatively few who can match this old salt's skill under the stars. [*][b]The Demoman Next Door:[/b] Pask has dabbled in amateur explosives-making and has used one of his creations successfully against rather important members of one of the lesser races to blight the galaxy of their existence. Though his products are crude, and he doesn't find the need to practice them in Oblivion Squad since they are supplied well, they work well enough. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][b]Illuminati Imperpetuis:[/b] Pask is a strong speciesist and an advocate of human supremacy. The races that stray from the sacred humanoid form are disgusting to his eyes, and the races that don't hold fast to weak, naive ideologues, relishing in their pretentious and wholly superficial cultures. God made Man in His image; can xenos say the same? [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] None. [b]Personality:[/b] Core idea: serious and solemn with black humor, human supremacy advocate, and prefers to be called by his last name. [b]Biography:[/b] Core idea: joined the Navy, adopted a hatred for aliens during service after being shot down and tortured; honorably discharged and became more radicalized as a civilian, adopting the ideology of human supremacism. Assassinated high-profile alien visitors to Mars with a bomb, did not resist arrest. [/quote] I'm cool with the starfighter, it's nothing drastically universe altering. Is the whole sheet finished? [quote=@Catharyn] [b]Character name:[/b] Amelia DuPont [b]Criminal?:[/b] Yes [b]Convicted for:[/b] Mutiny & second degree murder [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Hetero [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa365/Catharyn_F_Harrison/Character%20Pictures/AmeliaDunelm_zps6a52e819.jpg[/img] Height: 5'5 [b]Size:[/b] Slim [b]Apparel:[/b] On missions she wears the Gazprom Reconnaissance and Prospecting class flightsuit Mk VIII. [img]http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa365/Catharyn_F_Harrison/Concepts/Reconuniform_zps54c7bcc5.jpg[/img] When she's off duty you'll usually catch her wearing a sweatshirt over the top of some comfortable overalls. [b]Weapons:[/b] [img]http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa365/Catharyn_F_Harrison/Concepts/Assaultrifle1_zps24c00dea.jpg[/img] The Mount Sinai Munitions Corp MS-32K [b]Equipment:[/b] None [b]Skills:[/b] Skilled navigator and is confident with actually taking the helm of Earth small to medium sized spacecraft too. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Has a problem with authority and is morally unstable. Powers: None [b]Personality:[/b] Amelia used to be a sweet little girl, so kind and generous. Her female family members had all complemented her on her manners and poise. But when her mother died of Influenza while on an aid mission to Africa and her father took over the raising of her, it all changed. Suddenly there was no room for polite conduct and being second best. It was either win or die. Amelia took to it like a duck to water and looking at her now you might even say this mindset seems more natural to her. She's ambitious, cruel, devious, brutal when necessary and extremely intelligent. She knows how to use all of her assets to get a result. Occasionally she'll revert back to being a sweet and innocent angel, but be warned, chances are it is a mere facade and she is after something from you. [b]Biography:[/b] Born in France an only child, Amelia's mother had been a research scientist but gave it up to look after her. Her father was the administrator of what had once been the European Space Agency. It was something much larger now, controlling colonies and hiring private armies. After her mother died Amelia's father quickly conscripted her into the space program; he used his influence to propel her to the rank of Ensign. It appeared she wasn't ready because a certain sequence of events aboard her second craft: the Donetsk led to a bloody mutiny which resulted in the deaths of twenty people. The ship was later captured after it completed its mission and she was found guilty of being the mutiny's ringleader. [/quote] Accepted