[color=39b54a]Rick watched Jan walk away. He had an odd, slightly confused smile on his face. Though he didn't think much of the comment, it still managed to catch his attention.[/color] [color=ed1c24]"If I were you, I'd relax." Lara helped Daryl stay sitting up with a sturdy hand on the shoulder. "You took a pretty nasty blow to the head."[/color] Merle chuckled. He wasn't convinced the Governor's plan was going to work. He knew Rick. He knew Daryl. He knew Michonne. He knew [i]Adrea.[/i] There were too many variables in the Governor's little game. Someone was bound to make a move he couldn't predict. There was the possibility of Andrea leaving an warning Rick. There was the possibility that Rick already guessed the kidnapping was the Governor's doing and he'd bring his men. So many things that could upset the Governor's plan. "Listen up, Girly." He looked back at Sam. "You just keep your mouth shut. You wouldn't make a very good trade item [i]dead,[/i] now would you?" He growled and smirked.