Someone brought up a question about mature content and here is the best way I know to explain my threshold for [color=ed1c24][u]mature content[/u][/color]. I don't like too much strong language. I don't like too much gore. I don't like too much sexual content. Too much cussing (Example: F___ you little F___ F__ F__), too much gore (Example: The monster pressed his giant thumb against the back of the woman's head and it popped off her body like a cork from a bottle of champagne. Then the monster, using the points of his nails, pulled her spine out like it was an illusive worm and wiggled it with amusement), too much sexual content or turning the plot to smut (Example: Sex 3 times a day or every day. Example 2: Everything arouses a character. Example 3: Character talks about doing sexual things all the time or thinks about it all the time.) I'm looking to write a good plot. Mature content can make things interesting but if it takes away from the plot, then I don't want it at all. I try to do mostly action/adventure plots which means that sexual content might happen but not if the plot doesn't swing in that direction. What is more likely to happen is gore and cursing though. I don't mind cursing in moderation. I don't mind to f-bomb, but I don't want it used like the example I showed.