Doc Silver looks at Viola with an emotionless expression [B]I suppose that you are one of those wealthy bleeding hearts that thinks everyone is made of money such as themselves but sorry cupcake life sucks and charity is a thing the poor cannot afford to give though they sorely wish they could.[/B] Yuri sighs saying [B]Doc I can't stand to hear him scream so I'll stand is bill myself[/B] [B] Yuri I swear you have got to be the poorest officer on the force and if you keep this up you'll be in bond for debt soon[/B] Doctor Silver says as she produces a hypospray an zaps Aki Soon as she's sure that it's taken effect Doc Silver applies the cauterizer an the room begins to stink of burning flesh. Once she's used heat to seal the blood vessels Doc injects flesh epoxy foam into the now burned wound. [B]I wouldn't want to be you in about three hours when the pain killer abates, can't be helped though but at least you get to suffer another day breathin all this fine air.[/B] chuckles the Doctor