Molly lets out a groan and balances her weight between Dimitri and her hammer. Her head was still swimming and she felt as if her brain was leaking into her back and shoulders, feeling the warmth leave her head and trickle out into the open air. Dimitri spoke to her, and only because he was so close could she hear him clearly. His voice was a warbling, muted mess but she could make out the words clearly enough. [quote=@MonsieurShade]""May"? You definitely need to see a medic of some sort. I'm really sorry 'bout the headbutt. It was a heat of the moment thing, y'know battle rage going and, well, sorry."[/quote] She lazily rolled her head and waved a hand. "Don' worry 'bout it, i's my faul'd for turnin' m' back an' gettin' caught up with jus' one opponent. Y' ain't done nothin' wrong. Wat'r unduh th' bridge." Try as she might have to nudge him in the side, she only succeeded in flapping in her arm in his general direction. It really was a pathetic display. But through her one eye, she caught a figure coming up to them and could hear the warped hums of speech through the ringing in her ears. As she stepped shakily, she tried to focus her hearing and discern something from what he was saying. [quote=@floodtalon] Ryan confirmed inked walking down the hallway when he saw Dimitri and Molly walking down the hallway. He put on his metaphorical mask of bliss and walked near them. "You guys got your asses handed to you." He stated simply. "True." Ryan replied. "I find pain is a good motivator. You tend to get better when you feel pain. You know why? You get better so you can avoid that pain." Ryan explained as took out a hand held mirror and observed himself. "Pain motivated me to become one of the deadliest weapon weilders in the world." [/quote] She grit her teeth weakly as he gloated, trying to stare a hole through him with the one eye that wasn't glued together by blood. "Yeah'n a lotta good that didja. All ya did was stand there." She rolled her head with a groan and looked back up, "Why y' gotta gloat over'n injured gal, huh? That ain't cool..."