[@mdk]I get ya. [hider=Government DON'Ts] [b]Economy.[/b] At all. Never. GTFO. [b]Anything that does not affect others.[/b] None of their fucking business. [b]Citizen surveillance.[/b] You got a warrant? Then stay the fuck off my facebook page. [b]Immigration.[/b] Jobs cannot be 'taken'. Nobody wants the jobs they do take. They also aren't cheap labor if you give them minimum wage. [/hider] [hider=Government DOs] [b]Gun control (exceptions).[/b] We can all agree: no civilian needs an AK-74 with a 10000 bullet drum. The rest can get murky, but that needs to be a basic assumption. [b]Drugs (exceptions).[/b] Meth is bad. So is crack/cocaine/heroin/whatever the fuck they are doing now. Weed and steroids are murky, but enforce the dangerous ones. [b]Basic law.[/b] Murder: Kill them or life imprison them. Whichever costs less. Drugs(Possession): The reason our systems suck dick. Try forced rehab-sans prison record. They need help. If they hurt somebody, then thats an assault charge. Otherwise, it really doesn't affect anybody else. Drugs(Selling)/Rapists: Torture chamber. Plenty of fun ideas. Enforce these. [/hider]