a week has passed since the fight for the throne has begun and every citizen of the planet has chosen their side on who should lead and who should leave. So far it seems that the first son named Lorenzo (since I wouldn't know how to make alien avian names) has amassed most of the military under his banner being pro military will give him the advantage in the fighting however the second son named Angelo has gotten the people to join under him and as such are ready to make rallies for others to join and if not will work towards getting the people under the other sons to be indisposed if need be but prince Angelo has said to use it as a last resort. The third son however has yet to make a move as he and most of his contacts are on the moon of the planet laying low until the heat dies down. The tension is rising on the planet and it seemed that two races have put their support towards Angelo and Lorenzo. Lorenzo- also known as the red wing first Lorenzo was grinning as he got a message from one of his men saying that the krall have decided to support him in his right to rule as the first born. [color=red]good their smart to join up with us, otherwise it might have gotten messy for them later on if they didn't support us." Lorenzo said with an almost evil grin as he made sure to put his men on the streets and patrol the area in case they find any of the supporters for his brothers "Angelo and Mark have no idea what it takes to rule an empire, it takes hard work and dedication am I right men![/color] he called out and his men roared in agreement to him as they went to work getting everything set to start off the fights. Angelo- also known as the silver winged second Angelo was in the citadel with the other people waiting for the preacher to finish his sermon for the day then he asked for the prince Angelo to step up and say a few words about the tension rising over the throne. Angelo politely tried to decline but everyone kind of twisted his arm so he got up thanked the father and went up to the podium [color=green]everyone I want to thank you for coming today as is our custom. Everything that's been happening has been tough I know you are all afraid this might break out into a civil war well I wont lie, my eldest brother Lorenzo will probably start it soon. Everyone just remember that no matter what happens I will be here for you, a kingdom without its people is just barren land and I will not forget those that will help me rise to my fathers throne, may he rest in peace.[/color] Angelo said bowing and while the room did feel tense they all clapped for him thanking him for his honesty as Angelo left hearing that some race was trying to help him get to the throne, Angelo wanted to thank them but he wouldn't know how. for now he will assume that they will come to his aid when asked as he left to go and help the people get prepared for what may end up being a great civil war to break out... Mark- also known as the shadow wing third mark was sleeping on his makeshift throne in his hideout on the moon hearing talk that their would be a civil war and that other aliens were going to support his bigger brothers [color=black]don't care, just make sure that they don't bother us and to get our contacts up to this moon as soon as possible, last thing I want is for my network to go tits up because my brothers are brawling it out.[/color]