Since you asked: No, we did not find it acceptable. As in, not even a revision will fix it since the problems are in regards to the fundamental concept. You're better off making a new character. [quote=@The Fox Without] *snip* [/quote] [list] [*]Your female image isn't working [*]What's the adverse effects of not munching on hearts? [*]Leeching off magic locales is... eh. Seems kinda like it's trying to dodge the weakness of dealing with organ eating. But like, sentient beings are anything that can perceive or feel. Just eat livestock liver. [*]Your illusions should be only single target. [*]Nix the pocket dimension for your orb, it negates your weakness. [*]What kind of fire spells? [*]The electric collar is hardly a restriction, considering she can just shapeshift out of it. Make it an anti-power collar. [/list]