Shane was once again roaming the halls in search of something to get his mind off of the recent events which just occurred. This was probably the worst day of his life, he almost killed two of his classmates, lost his powers, found out he is possessed by some interdimensional demon thing, and now he was out of things to do. He could look for Ariella but figured after what went down it'd probably be best for him to stay away from the others for a little. That's when the thought finally hit him, he never spoke to Shadow after what happened in class. Should he go talk to her now? He wasn't the best at apologizing and he wasn't even sure if she'd let him speak before trying to kill him. [i]"Come on Shane grow a pair"[/i], he said to himself before heading to class. When he arrived he found her to have already gone. [i]"Sooo in her room then?"[/i], was his next guess. Only problem was he didn't know where her room was. Or did he? He looked around and found the roster laying on the bleachers. Casually walking by he glanced at the list but remembered Shadow was her alias. [i]"Alright time to play the guessing game"[/i], he looked over the names and through serious guessing and elimination he singled out the name Violet as Shadow's real name. [i]"Ok let's see how this goes"[/i] Shane exited the room and made his was to Violet's room. Once outside the door he knocked and waited for an answer.